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- Microsoft secures rights to Xbox 8 name, could this be the name of the next-gen Xbox?Microsoft wins two disputes to Xbox-related domains, hints at "Xbox 8"Jul 3, 2012 11:27 PM CDT
- RumorTT: Sony to release super-slim PS3 at Gamescom next monthRumorTT: Sony to shrink the PS3 down some more, could release a super-slim PS3 at Gamescom next mont.Jul 5, 2012 10:40 PM CDT
- Valve to let users vote on what games get released on SteamSoon you'll be able to vote for what games you want to see released on Steam.Jul 10, 2012 2:01 AM CDT
- Valve's Steam Summer Sales plan leaked, complete list is availableWant to know the games that Valve plan to throw on their Summer Sales? Check out the leaked list!Jul 15, 2012 11:29 PM CDT
- Rockstar: GTA V to be "biggest open world game to date"Rockstar says that Grand Theft Auto V will be the "biggest open world game to date"Jul 17, 2012 5:21 AM CDT
- Ouya to get first access to Robotoki's 'Human Element' a post-zombie-apocalyptic gameOuya to get first access to Human Element, developed by Robotoki.Jul 19, 2012 8:04 PM CDT
- Fan remake of GTA III is nearly here, Grand Theft Auto III: Rage Classic, built on the GTA IV engineRAGE engine-powered Grand Theft Auto III fan remake to be released soon.Jul 31, 2012 1:29 AM CDT
- Rockstar are "making substantial progress" on GTA V, could we see it on next-gen consoles?Rockstar "making substantial progress" on GTA V, still no release date.Jul 31, 2012 9:04 PM CDT
- BAE Systems develops GPS alternative, enter NavsopNavsop, BAE Systems' alternative to the ageing GPS technology.Jul 2, 2012 12:01 AM CDT
- Declaration of Internet Freedom: will you sign it?Several groups have come together to start a movement behind the Declaration of Internet Freedom.Jul 2, 2012 12:45 PM CDT
- Windows 7 has surpassed 50-percent of the global OS market shareWindows 7 surpasses 50-percent of the global OS market share.Jul 3, 2012 12:11 AM CDT
- Mobile operating system market getting overcrowded as Mozilla plans Firefox OSMozilla is working on a mobile OS that will be based on HTML 5 and open web standards.Jul 3, 2012 9:18 AM CDT
- iFixit teardown the Google Nexus 7Google's Nexus 7 gets the iFixit teardown treatment.Jul 3, 2012 10:28 PM CDT
- Google Chrome to soon see ads inside of extensionsGoogle's web browser, Chrome, to soon feature ads inside of extensions.Jul 4, 2012 3:26 AM CDT
- ACTA is done for after European Parliament voteACTA is effectively dead after the European Parliament votes down the bad treaty.Jul 4, 2012 8:56 AM CDT
- Three new BlackBerry devices coming in 2013, according to a leaked BB roadmapLeaked RIM roadmap points to new BlackBerry devices, new tablet next year.Jul 4, 2012 10:11 PM CDT
- The fastest GPU supercomputer in the UK was just switched on, good morning, EmeraldEmerald, the U.K.'s fastest GPU supercomputer has just been turned on.Jul 4, 2012 11:27 PM CDT
- The ratio of PCs to Macs has fallen, back to levels not seen since the 90sThe ratio of PCs to Macs is getting back to the levels we saw in the 90s.Jul 5, 2012 2:01 AM CDT
- HTC beats Apple in swipe-to-unlock patent disputeSwipe-to-unlock patent dispute goes in HTCs favor.Jul 5, 2012 4:26 AM CDT
- EU court rules that digital downloads can be resoldEU court rules in favour of second hand digital games, now allows you to resell them.Jul 6, 2012 6:17 AM CDT
- Samsung will release a Windows RT-based tablet in OctoberSamsung will release a Windows RT tablet in October.Jul 9, 2012 12:38 AM CDT
- Google's Nexus 7 has been rooted, overclocked and flashed with custom ROM, all before its official releaseGoogle and ASUS' Jelly Bean-powered Nexus 7 has been overclocked, rooted and given a custom ROM all Jul 9, 2012 10:31 PM CDT
- Next-gen iPhone 'engineering sample' poses for the cameraPictures of an "engineering sample" of the upcoming next-gen iPhone surface.Jul 11, 2012 3:19 AM CDT
- Microsoft goes full steam ahead for retail stores, 44 total by June 2013Microsoft to have 44 retail stores by June 2013, Canada gets one very soon.Jul 11, 2012 11:17 PM CDT
- Kim Dotcom offers to voluntarily travel to the U.S., if his assets get unfrozenMegaUpload founder Kim Dotcom offers to travel to the U.S. voluntarily, if his assets are unfrozen.Jul 12, 2012 2:27 AM CDT
- Apple set to report record-breaking sales of their iPad, 20 million in the last quarterApple's is set for a record-breaker, 20 million iPads sold.Jul 13, 2012 3:22 AM CDT
- AMD slashes pricing on Radeon HD 7870, 7950 and 7970 GPUsAMD cuts pricing on the Radeon HD 7870, 7950 and 7970.Jul 15, 2012 7:37 PM CDT
- Apple's Retina MacBook Pro takes the EPEAT Gold status upon its returnApple's Retina-powered MacBook Pro wins EPEAT Gold status now that it's back in bed with EPEAT.Jul 16, 2012 4:24 AM CDT
- Apple TV would feature a Retina displayApple's rumored TV may feature Retina display.Jul 17, 2012 12:30 AM CDT
- Boeing 787 Dreamliners to soon receive Android-based entertainment systemsBoeing to outfit their 787 Dreamliners with Android-based in-flight entertainment systems.Jul 17, 2012 6:55 AM CDT
- LG Display workers get charged over Samsung OLED technology theftSix employees of LG get charged over the theft of OLED technology from Samsung.Jul 18, 2012 3:21 AM CDT
- Could thermal paste have its days numbered? Sony thinks soSony shows off silicon sheets, are thermal paste's days numbered?Jul 18, 2012 8:32 PM CDT
- Facebook shares drop after news of their user base reportedly droppingFacebook users base dropping, shares react and decline also.Jul 18, 2012 11:25 PM CDT
- Ever wanted to explore the Antarctic? Well, now you can thanks to Google Maps and Street ViewYou can now explore the Antarctic with Google Maps and Street View.Jul 19, 2012 2:29 AM CDT
- OCZ nearly ready to unleash Indilinx Barefoot 3 SSD controllerIndilinx Barefoot 3 SSD controller is coming soon.Jul 19, 2012 9:21 PM CDT
- Phase-change memory is nearly here, Micron is the first out of the gateMicron is the first to the market with phase-change memory (PCM)Jul 20, 2012 4:27 AM CDT
- Samsung could start producing their flexible AMOLED displays this quarterSamsung's flexible AMOLED displays could go into production this quarter.Jul 22, 2012 9:21 PM CDT
- Dell set to launch their Ubuntu developer laptop, Sputnik, later this yearDell's Sputnik ready for take-off later this year, the company's Ubuntu developer laptop.Jul 23, 2012 2:23 AM CDT
- Man designs and builds trashcan which moves to catch flying trashMan invents trashcan which moves to where thrown trash is likely to land.Jul 23, 2012 12:32 PM CDT
- Android FPS game goes free after 'unbelievably high' piracy ratesMadfinger Games forced to stop charging for Android game due to 'unbelievably high' piracy.Jul 23, 2012 4:36 PM CDT
- RIM's 4G LTE BlackBerry PlayBook to launch on the last day of July, retails for $550RIM to launch a 4G LTE-powered BlackBerry PlayBook on July 31, will retail for $550.Jul 24, 2012 1:30 AM CDT
- Seagate announces new range of external hard drives, for social media backupsSeagate announces external hard drives with world's first social media backup ability - Facebook add.Jul 24, 2012 10:37 AM CDT
- Apple Q3 2012: 26M iPhones, 17M iPads, 4M Macs, and 6.8M iPodsApple reports it's third quarter sales numbers and financials.Jul 24, 2012 4:04 PM CDT
- Comcast launch Xfinity Platinum, 305Mbps broadband, as well as doubling their 25/50Mbps tiersComcast confirm plans to offer 305Mbps cable broadband, dubs it 'Xfinity Platinum'Jul 25, 2012 12:36 AM CDT
- RumorTT: AMD 7990 dual-GPU card launch pushed back until late-AugustRumor: AMD 7990 dual-GPU card delayed until late August.Jul 25, 2012 10:31 AM CDT
- Zynga fails to meet analyst estimates for Q2, sees $332 million in revenue, lowered outlookZynga is a state of decline, fails to meet analysts' estimates for Q2.Jul 25, 2012 7:46 PM CDT
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 gets unboxed, sports 2GB RAM, HSPA+Samsung's pen-toting Galaxy Note 10.1 sports 2GB of RAM, also includes HSPA+ connectivity.Jul 26, 2012 1:25 AM CDT
- Google Fiber in Kansas City, only $70/month, 1Gbps speedGoogle officially announces Google Fiber for Kansas City residents.Jul 26, 2012 3:12 PM CDT
- AMD readies three Athlon II X4 processors in FM2 packagingAMD readies three Athlon X4 chips for Socket FM2, Athlon brand lives on.Jul 27, 2012 10:32 AM CDT
- Gigabyte show off an insane 2000W of power delivery through a CPUGigabyte demo 2000W CPU socket power delivery, impressive.Jul 30, 2012 2:31 AM CDT
- Ubisoft accidentally installed a backdoor with its DRMUbisoft's DRM had a vulnerability in its browser plug-in which has now been patched.Jul 30, 2012 1:29 PM CDT
- RumorTT: Seagate want to acquire an SSD maker, could it still be OCZ?RumorTT: It looks like Seagate won't be acquiring OCZ after all.Jul 30, 2012 8:32 PM CDT
- Blizzard: Windows 8 'not awesome for Blizzard either'Blizzard VP of Game Design says Windows 8 is 'not awesome for Blizzard either'Jul 31, 2012 12:14 AM CDT
- China to land exploratory craft on the Moon in 2013China are set to land an exploratory craft on the Moon next year.Jul 31, 2012 5:27 AM CDT
- RumorTT: NVIDIA GTX 650 specifications and launch date leakedRumor: NVIDIA GTX 650 to launch September 17, comes with 384 CUDA cores, 128-bit mem bus.Jul 31, 2012 3:32 PM CDT
- Broadcom shows off fifth-generation 802.11ac Wi-Fi chipsFifth-generation 802.11ac Wi-Fi chips unveiled from Broadcom.Jul 31, 2012 11:35 PM CDT
- RumorTT: Sony has been developing PS4 since August 2010Rumor: Next generation PlayStation has been in development since August 2010.Jul 4, 2012 3:02 PM CDT
- Microsoft says their top 4 franchises "outsell like the top 11 Sony franchises"Microsoft says that their top four Xbox 360 franchises "outsell like the top 11 Sony franchises"Jul 6, 2012 4:18 AM CDT
- OUYA, the $99 Android-based console gets $1.7 million (and counting) worth of KickstarterThe $99 Android-based console, Ouya, breaks Kickstarter records with its $1.7 million haul.Jul 10, 2012 9:23 PM CDT
- ESGN Winter 2012 Coverage from the University of New South Wales$20,000 AUD was up for grabs at the University of New South Wales.Jul 16, 2012 12:30 AM CDT
- Steam arrives on Ubuntu, Valve announces it from their new Linux blogSteam hits Ubuntu, Valve opens up Linux blog, we find out they're been working with Linux for a whil.Jul 17, 2012 8:30 PM CDT
- EA's CEO talks of next-gen consoles coming soonEA boss talks next-gen consoles, says he sees them coming soon.Jul 23, 2012 12:25 AM CDT
- RumorTT: Xbox 720 developer kit details leak outRumor: Someone tries selling an Xbox 720 development kit, gives us details on the system.Jul 31, 2012 11:28 AM CDT
- Samsung promises "eligible" devices will get Jelly Bean upgradeSamsung to release Jelly Bean upgrades to "eligible" devices.Jul 1, 2012 9:25 PM CDT
- Samsung, Google team up to take on Apple in the court roomSamsung and Google team up to take on Apple in court.Jul 2, 2012 2:26 AM CDT
- Microsoft announces Windows 8 Pro upgrade, just $39.99 online, $69.99 in-storeMicrosoft are set to offer Windows 8 Pro upgrade for just $39.99 online, or in-store for $69.99.Jul 2, 2012 8:20 PM CDT
- Mozilla rename Boot to Gecko, now called Firefox OS, will slide onto handsets in 2013Mozilla announces Firefox OS, coming to mobiles in 2013, you might know it as Boot to Gecko.Jul 3, 2012 5:19 AM CDT
- Judge rules public Twitter posts can be used against you in court and accessed without a search warrantJudge rules public Tweets can be accessed and used in court without a search warrant.Jul 3, 2012 10:27 AM CDT
- Google to push out software update to Nexus 'immediately', Samsung and Google to avoid infringing on Apple patentSamsung and Google to push out Nexus update 'immediately', stops the Nexus from infringing on Apple'Jul 4, 2012 12:53 AM CDT
- 3DMark 11 record broken by 'Hazzan', uses 4-way GEFORCE GTX 680sIndonesian overclocker 'Hazzan' overclocks 4-way GTX 680 setup, breaks 3DMark 11 record.Jul 4, 2012 4:24 AM CDT
- Another new Mac OS X backdoor found, further proves OS X not as secure as previously thoughtMac OS X has been hit with another backdoor malware according to Kaspersky Labs.Jul 4, 2012 2:02 PM CDT
- Samsung announces 16GB DDR4 DIMM to be released in 2014Samsung show off a 16GB DDR4 DIMM, to hit the DIMM slots on your DDR4-based board in 2014.Jul 4, 2012 10:44 PM CDT
- RumorTT: iPad mini rumors just won't go away, more sources, more rumors are hereRumorTT: More iPad mini rumors are here, could it soon become a reality?Jul 5, 2012 12:08 AM CDT
- Motorola Atrix HD sports 4.5" Colorboost HD display and ICSMotorola Atrix HD specs are out, 4.5" Colorboost HD display, Ice Cream Sandwich and more.Jul 5, 2012 2:40 AM CDT
- Olympus show off MEG 4.0, a Project Glass-style wearable display prototypeOlympus' MEG 4.0, a Project Glass-style glasses-mounted heads-up display.Jul 6, 2012 12:37 AM CDT
- Amazon's next-gen Kindle Fire to sport better display, ships Q3Amazon's next Kindle Fire to sport 1280x800 display, ships next quarter.Jul 8, 2012 10:31 PM CDT
- AMD's dual-GPU Radeon HD 7990 to arrive in July, would be a very limited editionAMD's Radeon HD 7990 "New Zealand" dual-GPU to hit this month, in very limited quantities.Jul 9, 2012 5:15 AM CDT
- Next Issue amps up iPad app, offers all-you-can-read magazines starting from $10 per monthNext Issue offers all-you-can-read magazines on the iPad starting from $10 per month.Jul 10, 2012 12:33 AM CDT
- San Francisco will stop buying Macs for the city's 50 agencies, over the EPEAT issueApple's EPEAT issue grows, San Francisco to stop buying Macs over the deal.Jul 11, 2012 4:30 AM CDT
- Teardown reveals Nexus 7 costs $152 to buildNexus 7 costs $152 to build, according to teardown results.Jul 12, 2012 12:01 AM CDT
- Samsung denies responsibility for Galaxy S III screen burn-in troublesSamsung notes screen burn-in issues with Galaxy S III, doesn't want to take responsibility.Jul 12, 2012 3:29 AM CDT
- ZTE to release an 'advanced gaming smartphone' in six days timeZTE set to unveil an 'advanced gaming smartphone', just six days from now.Jul 13, 2012 4:24 AM CDT
- Gigabyte shows off their new Super OverClock Radeon HD 7970, sports five fansGigabyte's upcoming five-fan Super OverClock Radeon HD 7970 is nearly here.Jul 15, 2012 8:30 PM CDT
- Microsoft announces Cloud 365, a cloud-based Office, with a downloadable preview available nowMicrosoft announce cloud-based Office 365.Jul 16, 2012 8:30 PM CDT
- Windows Phone 8 set to have USB mass storage supportMicrosoft's upcoming Windows Phone 8 is set to have USB mass storage support.Jul 17, 2012 2:18 AM CDT
- Windows Phone 7's US market share still doesn't fare wellUS smartphone market share for Windows Phone 7 still fails to impress.Jul 17, 2012 11:31 PM CDT
- Western Digital announces new range of Red hard drives aimed at the NAS market, coverage from their Aussie eventWe attended the media event in Sydney and report back.Jul 18, 2012 3:33 AM CDT
- Yahoo has a good Q2, sees revenues of $1.22 billionSearch giant Yahoo sees Q2 revenues of $1.22 billion.Jul 18, 2012 9:31 PM CDT
- Samsung's 75" ES9000 Smart TV to arrive in August for $9,999Samsung's 75-inch ES9000 Smart TV to cost a shave under $10k.Jul 19, 2012 12:31 AM CDT
- Apple has to publish notice on their website, and magazines, that Samsung didn't copy iPad in the U.K.Apple must publish "an advertisement" for Samsung, rules court.Jul 19, 2012 4:28 AM CDT
- Apple CEO Tim Cook meets with Samsung execs to discuss patent warApple and Samsung executives meet, discuss on-going patent war.Jul 20, 2012 2:21 AM CDT
- Microsoft updates Bing Maps with 215TB of high-resolution imageryMicrosoft throws 215TB of high-resolution imagery into a now updated Bing Maps.Jul 20, 2012 5:24 AM CDT
- RumorTT: Galaxy Note II benchmarks show off impressive 1.6GHz Exynos quad-core processorRumorTT: Samsung's upcoming Galaxy Note II to sport 1.6GHz quad-core Exynos processor.Jul 22, 2012 10:27 PM CDT
- Samsung hits the 10 million sales mark with Galaxy S IIISamsung have passed 10 million sales of their Galaxy S III smartphone.Jul 23, 2012 3:29 AM CDT
- RumorTT: Intel to launch new LGA2011 i7-3970X processor in Q4RumorTT: Intel planning to release a new flagship LGA2011 processor in Q4 of 2012.Jul 23, 2012 1:28 PM CDT
- AMD's gaming executive leaves, joins NVIDIA - he was the man behind AMD's home-run of having tech in all three next-gen consolesBob Feldstein, now ex-AMD, joins NVIDIA - the man responsible for getting AMD tech into all three ne.Jul 23, 2012 7:27 PM CDT
- NVIDIA's 'A New Dawn' GeForce GTX tech demo looks mighty prettyNVIDIA releases new tech demo for GeForce 600 series, 'A New Dawn'Jul 24, 2012 2:05 AM CDT
- TP-LINK creates world's smallest router for use while on the goTP-LINK release the world's smallest router, perfect for on the go internet sharing.Jul 24, 2012 1:45 PM CDT
- Twitter to let you download and search your Tweets sometime in the futureTwitter is planning on implementing a feature to allow users to download and search their Tweets.Jul 24, 2012 6:34 PM CDT
- Qualcomm release their first quad-core tablet, packs a $1,300 price tagQualcomm show off their Snapdragon S4 Pro quad-core developer tablet.Jul 25, 2012 4:30 AM CDT
- Sony offering PlayStation scholarshipsSony teams up with a university to provide scholarships to Gamer Camp: Pro.Jul 25, 2012 11:49 AM CDT
- TMS show off new 2.5GB/s, 900GB PCI Express SSDTMS unveil RamSan-70, the name might not say it, but its a beast - 2.5GB/s, 900GB SSD.Jul 25, 2012 9:33 PM CDT
- Valve boss Gabe Newell says Windows 8 is a "catastrophe", and is driving Valve to embrace LinuxValve's Gabe Newell says Windows 8 is a "catastrophe", has driven the company to embrace Linux.Jul 26, 2012 1:33 AM CDT
- RumorTT: NVIDIA GTX 660 Ti specifications and launch dateRumor: NVIDIA GTX 660 to be nearly identical to 670, only difference is memory bus being reduced.Jul 26, 2012 4:32 PM CDT
- Google updates Maps and Earth with new high-res imageryGoogle updates Maps and Earth with new aerial imagery, offers new incredible views.Jul 27, 2012 4:32 PM CDT
- Apple acquire Authentic, a security company, for $356 millionApple acquire security company Authentic for $356 million.Jul 30, 2012 4:45 AM CDT
- Microsoft Surface to land October 26 with release of Windows 8A Microsoft filing with the SEC reveals when its Surface tablets will be launching.Jul 30, 2012 2:27 PM CDT
- RumorTT: Apple's new iPhone to be announced September 12, released September 21RumorTT: New dates to watch out for the new iPhone, September 12 announcement followed by a release Jul 30, 2012 9:01 PM CDT
- US smartphone numbers for Q2 2012: Android sales drop, iOS risesUS Q2 2012 smartphone sale numbers are in, Android slumps a little, but iOS jumps.Jul 31, 2012 3:23 AM CDT
- Facebook adds "save for later" feature to mobile, desktop versionsFacebook adds a save for later feature, allows stalking to go to the next level.Jul 31, 2012 10:32 AM CDT
- Stallman: Valve games on Linux are "unethical", but could see a boost in OS usageGNU founder and PC-rights campaigner, Richard Stallman, says that Valve games on Linux are "unethica.Jul 31, 2012 8:06 PM CDT
- DICE artist shows off mockup of the interior of a Halo ship using CryENGINE 3What would Halo 4 look like if it were rendered with CryENGINE 3?Jul 5, 2012 1:22 AM CDT
- One of the biggest gaming collections sells for $1.2 millionInsane video game collection sold for $1.2 million, included games for 22 classic consoles.Jul 10, 2012 1:15 AM CDT
- Survarium, a survival MMOFPS from the developers of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.Survival MMOFPS Survarium gets some new screenshots.Jul 10, 2012 10:19 PM CDT
- Metal Gear Solid 5 has been masquerading as Project OgreMetal Gear Solid 5 gets outed at Comic Con, looks like it's Project Ogre.Jul 16, 2012 11:32 PM CDT
- Dishonored has some great PC customization optionsArkane Studios' Dishonored sticks to PC roots, has great customizability options.Jul 17, 2012 10:33 PM CDT
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 PC system requirements released, won't need to sell a liver to play the gameSystem requirements for COD: Black Ops 2 are out, won't be pushing a system near you any time soon.Jul 30, 2012 11:35 PM CDT
- Star Wars: The Old Republic to become free-to-play up to level 50 this fallStar Wars: The Old Republic is going free-to-play this fall up to level 50.Jul 31, 2012 5:31 PM CDT
- VLC 2.0.2 now enhanced for Retina-powered MacBook ProsRetina MacBook Pro gets VLC 2.0.2, enhanced for Retina display.Jul 1, 2012 10:45 PM CDT
- avast! anti-virus headquarters tour in Prague, Czech Republicavast! anti-virus invited TweakTown to come out and take a look. Check out what we learned!Jul 2, 2012 8:32 AM CDT
- Google contributed to the US economy in 2011 with big numbers, $80 billion of them Google contributed $80 billion to the US economy last year alone.Jul 2, 2012 11:26 PM CDT
- Amazon EC2 outage happened because of the "leap second" bug, affected Netflix, Instagram and more"Leap second" bug is what took down Amazon's servers and affected Instagram, Pinterest, and others.Jul 3, 2012 5:45 AM CDT
- NVIDIA releases GeForce 304.79 beta, features TXAA, SLI profiles and bug fixesGeForce 304.79 sports TXAA, a GEFORCE 600-series exclusive AA.Jul 3, 2012 8:25 PM CDT
- EA says it's "Inevitable" that they'll become a 100% digital companyEA will eventually become a 100% digital company in the near future.Jul 4, 2012 2:28 AM CDT
- Google patents the ability to identify faces in videoGoogle files an interesting new patent, would identify faces in videos.Jul 4, 2012 5:26 AM CDT
- Spam being sent from a botnet composed of Android devicesSpam is now coming from a botnet that lives on Android devices in developing countries.Jul 4, 2012 4:06 PM CDT
- Scientists at CERN discovers the "God particle", or Higgs bosonCERN have done it, they've found the subatomic particle that confirms just how our universe works, t.Jul 4, 2012 11:00 PM CDT
- Toshiba gets hit with an $87 million fine for LCD price fixingToshiba gets slapped with $87 million fine over LCD price fixing.Jul 5, 2012 1:24 AM CDT
- Point Grey have a 4K-capable USB 3.0 webcamWant a 4K webcam? Well, it's reality, Point Grey Research Inc. have one for $945.Jul 5, 2012 3:26 AM CDT
- Facebook adds gay marriage icons, Apple follows suit with iOS 6Facebook, as well as the upcoming iOS 6 from Apple add gay marriage icons.Jul 6, 2012 3:26 AM CDT
- Apple tells EPEAT, a green electronics registry, to remove 39 of their products from its listApple asks EPEAT to remove 39 of their products from their listing, could deter sales in a big way.Jul 8, 2012 11:08 PM CDT
- LG are working on a quad-core smartphone, also sports a 10-megapixel cameraLG are working on a new smartphone, sports quad-core processor, 10-megapixel camera.Jul 9, 2012 9:08 PM CDT
- WD announce new WD Red NAS HDD rangeWD unveil Red NAS hard drives, made specifically for your SOHO NAS.Jul 10, 2012 7:38 AM CDT
- Google releases the Google+ app for the iPadGoogle finally release Google+ app for the iPad.Jul 11, 2012 5:21 AM CDT
- Apple's OS X Mountain Lion drops support for some older 64-bit MacsSome older 64-bit Macs have just had their support dropped from Apple's OS X Mountain Lion.Jul 12, 2012 1:20 AM CDT
- New next-gen iPhone body pics leaked, shows off its glass frontLatest shots of the next-gen iPhone leak, shows off its new glass front.Jul 12, 2012 9:21 PM CDT
- RumorTT: No "full retail version" of Windows 8 will be made availableRumorTT: Microsoft won't be selling a "full retail version" of Windows 8.Jul 13, 2012 9:27 AM CDT
- Yahoo! confirms server breach, had 400k accounts compromised as a "wake-up call"Yahoo!'s weekend of security breaches was a "wake-up call" says hackers, compromised 400k accounts.Jul 16, 2012 3:40 AM CDT
- RumorTT: Next-gen iPhone to be announced on August 7RumorTT: August 7. The day that the new iPhone is meant to be announced.Jul 16, 2012 9:24 PM CDT
- Apple releases iOS 6 Beta 3 to developersDevelopers receive latest beta of iOS 6, hits third beta.Jul 17, 2012 3:27 AM CDT
- RumorTT: Apple to make the next iPhone thinner, lighter, to keep up with increasing competitionRumorTT: Apple's new iPhone to sport thinner screen.Jul 18, 2012 1:31 AM CDT
- Chrome for iOS now accounts for 1.5% of the iOS browser marketChrome for iOS now takes up 1.5% of the iOS browser market.Jul 18, 2012 5:27 AM CDT
- Infortrend releases new NAS server familyInfortrend unveils new NAS server family that delivers enterprise class data protection to the SMB a.Jul 18, 2012 10:25 PM CDT
- RumorTT: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti to arrive in mid-August, priced at $299RumorTT: NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 660 Ti to be priced at $299, arrives mid next month.Jul 19, 2012 1:26 AM CDT
- RumorTT: Next-gen iPhone to sport LTE, NFC and 1GB of RAMRumorTT: The new iPhone is expected to feature NFC, LTE, and 1GB of RAM.Jul 19, 2012 8:29 PM CDT
- Microsoft drops support on Office 2013 for Windows Vista, XPMicrosoft drops support for Windows Vista, XP on Office 2013.Jul 20, 2012 3:30 AM CDT
- Google forced to halt orders on 16GB Nexus 7, didn't expect this much demandGoogle halts 16GB Nexus 7 sales for now, demand is much higher than anticipated.Jul 22, 2012 8:30 PM CDT
- Qantas set to offer iPads to passengers as in-flight entertainmentApple iPads to be the in-flight entertainment for passengers on Qantas' entire 767 fleet.Jul 23, 2012 1:25 AM CDT
- iPhone 4S has 3x higher radiation output than Galaxy S3According to Tawkon, the iPhone 4S releases 3x as much radiation as the Galaxy S3.Jul 23, 2012 10:31 AM CDT
- Windows Store on Windows 8 to enable, facilitate 7-day trialsMicrosoft to enable, facilitate 7-day free trials in the Windows 8 app store.Jul 23, 2012 2:34 PM CDT
- Thunderbolt's bandwidth to double in 2014 with Falcon Ridge Falcon Ridge to inject Thunderbolt with twice the bandwidth in 2014.Jul 24, 2012 12:26 AM CDT
- RumorTT: Retina-powered 13-inch MacBook Pros coming in September-OctoberRumorTT: Retina display to be built into 13-inch MBP coming in September-October.Jul 24, 2012 4:25 AM CDT
- Your hotel keycard lock is vulnerable to hackersOnity hotel keycard locks are susceptible to a hacker with $50 of hardware.Jul 24, 2012 3:33 PM CDT
- Another OS X Trojan has been identified, this one bypasses user permissionsLatest OS X Trojan "Crisis" bypasses user permissions.Jul 24, 2012 10:30 PM CDT
- ARM reports Q2 earnings, enjoys a nice profit, and currently has 'record order backlog'ARM's Q2 results are not bad at all, company takes in profits of $61.2 million.Jul 25, 2012 6:25 AM CDT
- Mountain Lion available today from the Mac App StoreApple releases Mountain Lion OSX on the Mac App Store, only $19.99 to upgrade.Jul 25, 2012 4:32 PM CDT
- AOL enjoys $531 million revenue for Q2, has been its lowest revenue decline in 7 yearsAOL had revenues of $531 million for Q2, making it AOL's lowest revenue decline in 7 years.Jul 26, 2012 12:31 AM CDT
- Qualcomm jumps in for a ride with Renault, will trial wireless electric car chargingQualcomm teams up with Renault, will see them trial wireless electric car charging.Jul 26, 2012 3:34 AM CDT
- ASUS unveil VG2788HE gaming monitor, 1080p @ 144Hz refresh rate!ASUS unveils 3D Vision 2-capable VG2788HE gaming monitor, can do 144Hz refresh rate.Jul 26, 2012 8:25 PM CDT
- Security firm BT says that one-third of all Android apps have malwareSecurity firm BT says that one-third of all Android apps include malware.Jul 30, 2012 1:24 AM CDT
- Microsoft unveils Windows 8 accessoriesMicrosoft shows off new Windows 8 accessories, Wedge Mobile Keyboard, Wedge Touch Mouse and more.Jul 30, 2012 7:29 AM CDT
- Distracted walking injuries 'quadruple'Distracted texting proves dangerous, increases pedestrian fatalities by 4%Jul 30, 2012 6:29 PM CDT
- Optus to unleash its 4G network in Sydney and PerthOptus to give Sydney and Perth 4G coverage.Jul 30, 2012 10:17 PM CDT
- Yahoo's interim CEO, Ross Levinsohn, leaves the companyRoss Levinsohn, interim CEO of Yahoo, leaves.Jul 31, 2012 4:25 AM CDT
- Three Windows 8 exploits found before official releaseThree vulnerabilities have been found in Windows 8, three months before the official release.Jul 31, 2012 12:31 PM CDT
- Samsung's legal team make iBooBoo in Apple vs. Samsung case, publicly release inadmissible evidence from trialSamsung publicly release inadmissible evidence from Apple vs. Samsung trial.Jul 31, 2012 11:16 PM CDT
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