FPS for 2011
Listing of our FPS content from our Gaming category for 2011.
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Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Xbox 360 Review
November 20, 2011 | Welcome back old friend.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3 Review
November 16, 2011 | World War 3 breaks out on PS3.

Battlefield 3 PC Review
November 6, 2011 | If ever there was a game of two halves, Battlefield 3 is it.

Battlefield 3 BETA PC Preview
October 1, 2011 | Battlefield 3 is available to all and sundry in BETA form. Here's what we think of it.

Dead Island PC Review
September 18, 2011 | Yet another zombie game? With reservations, we see what it can offer this saturated genre.

Call of Juarez: The Cartel PlayStation 3 Review
July 31, 2011 | Call of Juarez meets modern times, and the result is....

Duke Nukem Forever Xbox 360 Review
June 13, 2011 | Come get some? Maybe not....

Bulletstorm PC Review
June 5, 2011 | Typical action shooting here, but with some surprises!

Portal 2 PC Review
May 25, 2011 | Valve's latest first-person portal shooting extraordinaire gets reviewed. Find out why you'll want it!

Killzone 3 PlayStation 3 Review
March 7, 2011 | Guerrilla Games gives Killzone a third crack. Does it come off this time?

Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo Xbox 360 Preview
January 31, 2011 | Love it or hate it, the Xbox 360 got an Exclusive Multiplayer Demo to Crysis 2. We evaluate with some of our own footage.