Software & Apps for 2006
Our Software & Apps content sorted from newest to oldest for 2006. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.
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ATI Catalyst 6.12 Performance Analysis - Final for 2006
December 16, 2006 | The final Catalyst driver for the year is out - we check out 6.12 performance and see if anything has changed.

nVidia ForceWare Vista Driver Blunder - Thermal Management?
November 23, 2006 | We found serious issues with nVidia ForceWare drivers in Windows Vista about thermal mangement - Possible fire hazards!

AllAdvantage 2.0 - Get Paid To Surf The Net (AGLOCO)
November 22, 2006 | Remember AllAdvantage? The new version is here in AGLOCO and allows you to make money by surfing the Internet.

ATI Catalyst 6.11 Performance Analysis
November 21, 2006 | We look at ATI's latest Catalyst 6.11 drivers for users of Radeon graphics cards - any performance improvement? Read on!

ATI Catalyst 6.10 Performance Analysis
November 4, 2006 | We check out the latest release Catalyst drivers from ATI to see if performance has changed from the previous release.

Windows Vista RC2 Preview - From installation to benchmarking
October 11, 2006 | Windows Vista RC2 build 5744 is here! We take a close look at the good and bad and compare performance against XP.

ATI Catalyst 6.9 Performance Analysis
September 26, 2006 | We are late to the party this month but we finally have our Catalyst 6.9 performance analysis. Read on for the numbers!

ATI Catalyst 6.8 Performance Analysis
August 18, 2006 | ATI released the latest set of Catalyst drivers for Radeon cards quickly this month. We examine performance, as usual.

ATI Catalyst 6.7 Performance Analysis
August 2, 2006 | ATI weren't the only ones late with Catalyst 6.7 drivers for Radeon. As usual, we compare performance against Cat 6.6.

ATI Catalyst 6.6 Performance Analysis
June 25, 2006 | ATI has just released their latest set of Catalyst drivers for Radeon graphics card and we have our benchmarks ready!

ATI Catalyst 6.5 Performance Analysis
May 24, 2006 | Yesterday ATI released their newest set of Catalyst drivers and we take our usual look at the performance changes.

ATI Catalyst 6.4 Performance Analysis
April 12, 2006 | We take our regular look at the latest Catalyst drivers from ATI and we examine if it's worth updating to version 6.4!

ATI Catalyst 6.3 Performance Analysis
March 16, 2006 | This month we're a little late with our ATI Catalyst analysis but here we are again to check out the latest version.

ATI Catalyst 6.2 Performance Analysis
February 9, 2006 | ATI has released another set of Catalyst display drivers for Radeon graphics cards. We explore the performance changes.

ATI Catalyst 6.1 Performance Analysis
January 18, 2006 | The first Catalyst for 2006 is here and in our usual fashion we've checked out the performance to see what has changed!