Software & Apps for 2007

Our Software & Apps content sorted from newest to oldest for 2007. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.

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ATI Catalyst 7.11 Analysis - XP & Vista

ATI Catalyst 7.11 Analysis - XP & Vista

November 23, 2007 | AMD has just released a new ATI Catalyst 7.11 driver for Radeon graphics cards - we check out performance under XP and Vista.

Crysis Demo Performance Analysis

Crysis Demo Performance Analysis

October 26, 2007 | We test the newly released Crysis demo with an array of graphics cards to see what's required for a smooth experience.

ATI Catalyst 7.10 Analysis - XP & Vista

ATI Catalyst 7.10 Analysis - XP & Vista

October 15, 2007 | AMD has just released a new ATI Catalyst 7.10 driver for Radeon graphics cards - we check out performance under XP and Vista.

ATI Catalyst 7.9 Analysis - XP and Vista

ATI Catalyst 7.9 Analysis - XP and Vista

September 15, 2007 | For the first time ever we test the latest ATI Catalyst graphics driver under Windows XP (DX9) and Windows Vista (DX10).

ATI Catalyst 7.8 Performance Analysis

ATI Catalyst 7.8 Performance Analysis

August 13, 2007 | AMD has just released a new set of ATI Catalyst 7.8 drivers for Radeon graphics cards - we check out performance under Win XP.

ATI Catalyst 7.7 Performance Analysis

ATI Catalyst 7.7 Performance Analysis

July 20, 2007 | AMD has just released a new set of ATI Catalyst 7.7 drivers for Radeon graphics cards - we check out performance under Win XP.

ATI Catalyst 7.6 Performance Analysis

ATI Catalyst 7.6 Performance Analysis

June 24, 2007 | AMD has just released a new set of ATI Catalyst 7.6 drivers for Radeon graphics cards - we check out performance under Win XP.

ATI Catalyst 7.5 Performance Analysis

ATI Catalyst 7.5 Performance Analysis

June 17, 2007 | We test out the performance of the new ATI Catalyst 7.5 drivers under Windows XP to see what has changed since the last.

RyderMark Beta 2 Preview - Emerging competition for Futuremark?

RyderMark Beta 2 Preview - Emerging competition for Futuremark?

May 15, 2007 | There is a new graphics card 3D benchmark in town from the folks at Candella called RyderMark but is it any good?

ATI Catalyst 7.4 Performance Analysis (Windows XP)

ATI Catalyst 7.4 Performance Analysis (Windows XP)

April 24, 2007 | Catalyst 7.4 release came early, but with only a single noted performance improvement, should we rush to update?

ATI Catalyst 7.3 Performance Analysis (Windows XP)

ATI Catalyst 7.3 Performance Analysis (Windows XP)

April 3, 2007 | We have test ATI's Catalyst 7.3 display driver and discover that plenty of work has been put into OpenGL optimization.

ATI Catalyst 7.2 Performance Analysis (Windows XP)

ATI Catalyst 7.2 Performance Analysis (Windows XP)

February 28, 2007 | Although a little late to the game this time, we have published our Catalyst 7.2 Performance Analysis for Windows XP.

ATI Catalyst 7.1 for Vista - Software improvement and Crossfire!

ATI Catalyst 7.1 for Vista - Software improvement and Crossfire!

January 27, 2007 | AMD is about to release their newest Vista Catalyst driver and it comes with stacks of new features and improvements!

ATI Catalyst 7.1 Performance Analysis

ATI Catalyst 7.1 Performance Analysis

January 11, 2007 | We check out the newest Catalyst drivers in 2007 from ATI and AMD for users with Radeon graphics cards. Worth updating?

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