Software & Apps for 2007
Our Software & Apps content sorted from newest to oldest for 2007. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.
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ATI Catalyst 7.11 Analysis - XP & Vista
November 23, 2007 | AMD has just released a new ATI Catalyst 7.11 driver for Radeon graphics cards - we check out performance under XP and Vista.

Crysis Demo Performance Analysis
October 26, 2007 | We test the newly released Crysis demo with an array of graphics cards to see what's required for a smooth experience.

ATI Catalyst 7.10 Analysis - XP & Vista
October 15, 2007 | AMD has just released a new ATI Catalyst 7.10 driver for Radeon graphics cards - we check out performance under XP and Vista.

ATI Catalyst 7.9 Analysis - XP and Vista
September 15, 2007 | For the first time ever we test the latest ATI Catalyst graphics driver under Windows XP (DX9) and Windows Vista (DX10).

ATI Catalyst 7.8 Performance Analysis
August 13, 2007 | AMD has just released a new set of ATI Catalyst 7.8 drivers for Radeon graphics cards - we check out performance under Win XP.

ATI Catalyst 7.7 Performance Analysis
July 20, 2007 | AMD has just released a new set of ATI Catalyst 7.7 drivers for Radeon graphics cards - we check out performance under Win XP.

ATI Catalyst 7.6 Performance Analysis
June 24, 2007 | AMD has just released a new set of ATI Catalyst 7.6 drivers for Radeon graphics cards - we check out performance under Win XP.

ATI Catalyst 7.5 Performance Analysis
June 17, 2007 | We test out the performance of the new ATI Catalyst 7.5 drivers under Windows XP to see what has changed since the last.

RyderMark Beta 2 Preview - Emerging competition for Futuremark?
May 15, 2007 | There is a new graphics card 3D benchmark in town from the folks at Candella called RyderMark but is it any good?

ATI Catalyst 7.4 Performance Analysis (Windows XP)
April 24, 2007 | Catalyst 7.4 release came early, but with only a single noted performance improvement, should we rush to update?

ATI Catalyst 7.3 Performance Analysis (Windows XP)
April 3, 2007 | We have test ATI's Catalyst 7.3 display driver and discover that plenty of work has been put into OpenGL optimization.

ATI Catalyst 7.2 Performance Analysis (Windows XP)
February 28, 2007 | Although a little late to the game this time, we have published our Catalyst 7.2 Performance Analysis for Windows XP.

ATI Catalyst 7.1 for Vista - Software improvement and Crossfire!
January 27, 2007 | AMD is about to release their newest Vista Catalyst driver and it comes with stacks of new features and improvements!

ATI Catalyst 7.1 Performance Analysis
January 11, 2007 | We check out the newest Catalyst drivers in 2007 from ATI and AMD for users with Radeon graphics cards. Worth updating?