Deadpool 3 features Hugh Jackman, intros Wolverine into the MCU

Ryan Reynolds tweets that Hugh Jackman will reprise his role of Wolverine for Deadpool 3, welcomes him to the MCU. Deadpool 3 comes September 6, 2024.

Deadpool 3 features Hugh Jackman, intros Wolverine into the MCU
1 minute & 43 seconds read time

Ryan Reynolds has tweeted news of the next Deadpool movie, which will introduce Hugh Jackman's Wolverine into the MCU. The introduction is awesome, and just the way I'd expect Reynolds and Jackman to be in Deadpool 3.

Ryan is being his usual self, tweeting that it's been hard keeping his mouth sewn shut about this one, after news back in late 2019 that Deadpool 3 would be with Marvel Studios (which is now owned by Disney). Ryan starts off by trolling us as usual, saying that he's been working on Deadpool 3 but he's been coming up blank... but we all know he knows what's going on.

Just as Ryan says "but we did have one idea" as Hugh Jackman (or at least a body double, or VFX) walks behind him, to which Ryan quips "Hey Hugh, you want to play Wolverine one more time?" to which Jackman replies "Yeah, sure, Ryan".

If you move over to Hugh Jackman's official Twitter account, the actor recently shared Ryan's video and then added once again "Yeah, sure".

We also get a release date for Deadpool 3 at the end of the video, which will debut on September 6, 2024. That's a while between movies, with the original Deadpool releasing in February 2016, its sequel Deadpool 2 launching debuting in May 2018: two years between the two Deadpool movies. Ryan announced Deadpool 3 was in the works with Marvel Studios in December 2019, and here we are nearly three years later and we're still another two years away from Deadpool 3.

However, I'm a huge fan of both Ryan Reynolds -- a massive fan of Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place (and Waiting... and most of his other movies) -- as well as fellow Aussie in Hugh Jackman. His portrayal as Wolverine is some OG sh*t, and I truly can't wait to see what he can do with another R-rated movie in Deadpool 3.

It's just such a pity we have to wait until 2024 to see Deadpool 3, but I can't wait to see the two actors tease the movie continuously like this (and out of absolutely nowhere, I might add) over the next couple of years.

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Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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