I am really not sure why this is new at all, or even why the claim that USB 3.0 has to wait on Intel to move forward is still going around, but it is popping up again.
This time we find a lengthy article on the subject from CNet. They claim that USB 3.0 will not see wide spread adoption until late 2011 because Intel has not integrated it in their chipset. I personally find this comment incredibly uninformed as Asus, GIGABYTE, ASRock and others are all building motherboards with NEC's USB 3.0 controller on them.
I suppose that the serveral motherboards that we have reviewed with USB 3.0 and external products using this new standard are not being included. Even in the OEM market companies like Dell and HP will start using the NEC controller just like they used the VIA one when USB first came out. It is a natural progression; I can remember when RAID integrated into the chipset was unheard of, now it is a standard feature. The same thing happened with USB then USB 2.0, first it is an add-on controller chip, then it gets integrated into the chipset later. Nothing to see here, move along...
NEWS SOURCE:news.cnet.com
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