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nVidia claims Tegra will be in phones in 2010

Not many other details.

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nVidia's Tegra is making all sorts of headlines in the past few weeks.

First we heard about the Zune HD, now we hear rumblings that Tegra will be in new SmartPhones by 2010.

If the rumors are true we will see Tegra driven smartphones from one of the "top five" manufacturers. There was no listing of who the tip five are, but I am betting that none of them are Apple.

The phones could have Android or Windows Mobile (with Win Mo more likely) and will be in the $199 range.

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nVidia claims Tegra will be in phones in 2010

If you want to get HD in your handheld, NVIDIA's Tegra processor is the hot way to do it at the moment, and we've got reasonably concrete sounding rumors from disparate sources that a handset containing one of the chips is currently under development by a "top five" smartphone builder (we're guessing it's not Apple), and that it'll be out sometime before the end of the year, selling at T-Mobile and AT&T for just $199.

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