Every owner of a car knows that feeling of when they have misplaced their car keys, well now that worry is over as a Tesla owner has implanted her keys into her own arm so she never looses them again. Will you follow her lead?
A software engineer going by the name of 'Amie DD' has taken key utility to the next level by implanting her Tesla keycard RFID tag into her own arm. Amie DD spoke to The Verge, saying that the implantation actually works and that her arm needs to be about an inch away from her vehicle to successfully unlock it.
Originally, Amine DD attempted to transfer the Tesla keycard software to an existing RFID tag she already had implanted in her arm, those efforts were unfortunately fruitless. Moving on to beat this issue, Amie decided to dissolve the Tesla keycard in acetone and encase the recovered chip in bio-polymer. She then visited a body-modification studio to get the card safely implanted in her arm.