Nintendo are currently under the pump as these recent Super Smash Bros. Ultimate leaks have taken over the internet, widespread copyright strikes are hitting any account that spreads information.
If you haven't heard already, full copies of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate have arrived in the hands of many users that pre-ordered the game through Mexican retailers. Nintendo are currently on a full frontal assault against these users as this leak for Ultimate is not only the biggest leak the Smash Bros. franchise has seen, but could be the biggest leak a game in general has experienced before its release.
Any users that are posting Smash Bros. Ultimate content early are being flagged and copyright striked. Admins on forums etc are having a field day with banning users that are posting these spoilers, with the abundance of spoilers being more than apparent, portions of members in these communities have temporarily left in anger. Many users that have early copies are downloading Ultimates music and re-uploading it to their YouTube Channels, these accounts are being hit with copyright strikes from Nintendo and are being taken down completely. Nintendo could now be enduring the biggest leak that the company has experienced for a game under their umbrella, I'd expect that we should hear a statement from Nintendo sometime soon regarding this complete mess.