Fallout 76's launch this week is just the beginning of a long, winding journey into irradiated West Virginia.
We've known for a while that Fallout 76 is a live service game, meaning that it'll evolve and change tremendously over time. Bethesda will continually update the game with new tweaks, modes, guns, quests, and content for players to chew on for many years after launch. Case in point: Fallout 76's day one patch is literally bigger than the full game, which means lots of things have probably changed.
Although exact details on how and when these updates will occur remain scarce, Bethesda today confirmed some basic info on the new features. "This is just the beginning. We have an incredible list of updates we've begun work on - from C.A.M.P. building improvements, new quests and events, new Vaults opening, character respecing, a faction-based PvP system, and much more," the studio wrote on a Bethesda.net post.
Expect to see Fallout 76 manifest into a robust, fully-fledged service game over time...but there will be a lot of growing pains. The game should be funky at launch and eventually grow to something everyone knows and loves.
Another interesting footnote: id Software and Arkane helped BGS craft Fallout 76, with extended help from ZeniMax Online, who used their expertise from Elder Scrolls Online to build the online-only Fallout.