E3 2016 - Renowned games journalist Geoff Keighley (aka Doritos Pope) promises that this year's E3 will be absolutely huge with tons of surprises.

Major E3 conferences are just days away, and the excitement is absolutely electric: we're going to see an entire galaxy of new games and hardware that will push gaming into a new generation. In fact, Geoff Keighley, who will host YouTube Gaming's E3 Live showcase on Monday, June 13 for "12 hours of wall-to-wall gaming," knows the full scope of the reveals and says gamers "aren't ready for what's about to happen."
So what has Keighley seen that's made him so enthusiastic? Probably the new PS4 and Xbox consoles. Sony is expected to show off its new powerful 4K-ready PlayStation Neo console at the event, alongside a retinue of first-party exclusives like The Last Guardian, a new Norse-themed God of War 4, and possibly even The Last of Us 2.
Microsoft isn't going to be a slouch at E3 either: Redmond is expected to reveal up to four new Xbox hardware systems, including a 40% smaller Xbox One Mini that supports 4K video playback, a Chromecast-like Xbox streaming stick, and an Xbox set-top box that supports game streaming from PC or Xbox Ones. Microsoft also wants to dethrone Sony's console reign once and for all, so they've designed the powerful 4K-ready Xbox Scorpio, a console that packs 6TFlops of performance with up to 1.5x faster than the PS4K.
The Xbox Scorpio is also rumored to natively support the Oculus Rift VR headset for desktop-grade VR, and may even sport the world's first console-supported external video card enclosure.
Check below for everything we know about Sony's new PlayStation 4K (PS4 Neo) and Microsoft's new Xbox Scorpio. One thing's for sure: E3 2016 is going to be a big leap for console hardware.

Original PS4
- CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 1.6 GHz
- GPU: AMD GCN, 18 CUs at 800 MHz (equivalent to Radeon HD 7850)
- Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 176 GB/s
- CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 2.1 GHz
- GPU: Improved AMD GCN, 36 CUs at 911 MHz (possibly built on Polaris10 Ellesmere?)
- Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 218 GB/s
Everything we know so far about the PlayStation 4K:
- PS4.5 would play Ultra HD Blu-ray, as well as 4K gaming and VR
- Sony's PlayStation Neo won't have exclusive games, shares PS4 library
- Sony's new PlayStation Neo is pissing off lots of developers
- PlayStation Neo games required to run at native 1080p minimum

Everything we know about the Xbox Scorpio so far:
- Next-gen 4K-ready Xbox coming in 2017, could sport external GPU
- New 4K Xbox to support Oculus Rift VR headset
- New Xbox will be '5 times more powerful' than PS4 Neo, rocks 10 TFLOPs
- https://www.tweaktown.com/news/52259/new-Xbox-one-hardware-play-4k-video-games/index.html
- Microsoft testing new Xbox prototypes with higher-end hardware
- Xbox and Windows are merging under Microsoft's Project Helix strategy
- E3 site lists Xbox One VR category with Oculus Rift devs attached
- Microsoft to unveil a Shield TV-like Xbox set-top box at E3
- Second-generation Xbox One console reportedly in mass production
- New Xbox One components revealed ahead of FCC embargo