Hotel rooms on the Las Vegas strip are getting outfitted with next-gen adult video rentals--VR porn.
Seedy porno and hotel rooms are pretty much peas in a pod--and that goes double for Las Vegas hotel rooms. Now this harmonious union has been "erected" to the most realistic level outside of actual sex--virtual reality. A production company called VR Bangers (yes, that's really the name) is teaming up with VR headset maker Auravisor to bring full 360-degree VR porn as an on-demand service in Las Vegas hotels.
To get access to a porn-loaded Auravisor--a self-contained 1080p VR headset with a 5.1-inch screen--you have to drop $20, and you get the headset for a period of time. VR Bangers says that users will "see your hotel room replicated in the VR headset," and the experience will allow users to participate in an actual first-person sex simulation rather than...well...traditional porn-watching. Given how disgusting publicly-used VR headsets can be without...uhm..."handling" oneself, I can only imagine how funky these headsets will get.
This bit of news reminds me of that scene in the Big Lebowski where Jackie Treehorn talks about online porn with the Dude. "Wave of the future, Dude. 100% electronic." How right you are, Jackie.