Star Citizen's Hangar Module now supports Oculus Rift

Star Citizen's latest patch enables Oculus Rift support in the Hangar Module.

1 minute & 19 seconds read time

Roberts Space Industries has just pushed out Star Citizen Patch 11.1, which has enabled support for Oculus Rift within the Hangar Module. This is quite the surprise, but something that was promised when the game hit its $12 million stretch goal.

Star Citizen's Hangar Module now supports Oculus Rift |

All you'll need to do is make sure your game is up-to-date with the latest patch, and then create a file named 'user.cfg' in your Star Citizen/CitizenClient folder, and add the lines 'sys_currentHMDtype=1' and 'r_stereostrength=-8' and voila, you have virtual reality support thanks to the Oculus Rift, in Star Citizen.

There are various issues of course, as this is just early days yet:

  • KNOWN ISSUE - To enable Oculus Rift mode create a file named 'user.cfg' in your 'StarCitizen/CitizenClient' folder and add the lines 'sys_currentHMDtype=1' and 'r_stereostrength=-8'
  • KNOWN ISSUE - You may be able to get a better picture by setting the resolution to the native Oculus Rift resolution (1200-800)
  • KNOWN ISSUE - When in-game, your look direction is independent from your travel direction. The player's body can be turned using the mouse to adjust the player's movement direction.
  • KNOWN ISSUE - There are some camera pops and camera direction changes when entering vehicles and during other animation-driven movements.
  • KNOWN ISSUE - During some player animations the camera may stop being updated by the Rift.
  • KNOWN ISSUE - There is some stereo separation when looking at objects close to the player, eg. ship controls when in cockpits.
  • KNOWN ISSUE - There can be some render skewing/warping when viewing the game at extreme angles.
  • KNOWN ISSUE - Rift head tracking only functions in 1st person mode.
  • KNOWN ISSUE - Some animations can cause the Rift view to become offset from the player's body.
  • KNOWN ISSUE - UI elements such at the "Use" icon are doubled.

Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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