It was only a matter of time before lawsuits began flying in the academic space for the use of artificial intelligence-powered tools, but who thought they would come from the parents of a child who was busted using the AI tools?

That's right, the parents of a child who was busted using AI tools to help them complete their history project are now suing the school after it disciplined the student. The parents claim that the disciplinary measures issued by the school have now harmed the students' chances of getting into prestigious universities such as Stanford. According to Dale and Jennifer Harries, the parents of the student, their son's punishment of a Saturday detention and a grade of 65 out of 100 on the history project has now impacted their son's future and his "exemplary record".
Hingham Public School in Massachusetts claimed the use of AI tools is prohibited, and that is stated within the student's handbook, "unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own work." The district dealing with the case stated in a recent motion to dismiss that Harris' son received a "relatively lenient" punishment and that siding with the parents would only "invite dissatisfied parents and students to challenge day-to-day discipline, even grading of students, in state and federal courts."
Notably, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education hasn't issued any specific guidance regarding the use of AI tools in schools.