Gaming for 2014
Our Gaming content sorted from newest to oldest for 2014. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.
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Far Cry 4 PlayStation 4 Game Review
December 14, 2014 | Ubisoft has come up with another mad man controlling a fictional part of the globe. Should you take up the challenge again? Here's Simon's review.

Dragon Age: Inquisition Xbox One Game Review
December 6, 2014 | Dragon Age 2 left a lot of fans with a bitter taste. Can the Inquisition return the franchise to its best days? Here's Simon's full review.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection Xbox One Game Review
November 27, 2014 | Microsoft puts every one of the mainline Halo games onto one disc including multiplayer, but does it stack up on the new gen console?

Tweakipedia: The first hour playing Alien: Isolation
October 29, 2014 | The first hour exploring Alien: Isolation, with some of the best lighting and shadow effects I've seen yet.

Sunset Overdrive Xbox One Game Review
October 27, 2014 | Insomniac Games first foray into the Xbox One world is Sunset Overdrive and many have been wondering if they could pull off a quality game. Wonder no more.

Ubisoft Digs its Own Grave, Says 30FPS 'Looks Better' than 60FPS
October 14, 2014 | It looks like 60FPS gaming is done, according to Ubisoft at least. We think otherwise, and Ubisoft needs to step up and start answering some questions.

FIFA 15 PlayStation 4 Game Review
October 12, 2014 | FIFA 14 was impressive, but left us wanting a bit more. FIFA 15 is here now - has it fixed the mistakes of last year? Here's Simon's full review on PS4.

Forza Horizon 2 Xbox One Game Review
September 28, 2014 | Forza Horizon was one of the best games during the Xbox 360 generation. Can its successor FH2 live up to the next-gen hype on Xbox One? Let's take a look.

NVIDIA GAME24 Global Gaming Event Coverage - eBash Indianapolis
September 22, 2014 | NVIDIA invited the world to take part in the largest video card debut event ever. Chris and Zac attended GAME24 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Counterspy PS VITA Game Review
August 24, 2014 | Counterspy was one of our most anticipated games on the PS4 and VITA. Can this stealth based spy game wow us as much as the initial demos did?

Ultra Street Fighter IV PC Game Review
August 17, 2014 | Street Fighter IV returns for what is apparently its final version. Does Ultra offer enough for existing players?

The Last of Us Remastered PlayStation 4 Game Review
August 10, 2014 | Just over twelve months since Naughty Dog proved yet again they could produce a stunning PS3 game, it hits the PS4. Can it make the jump successfully?

Gods Will Be Watching (GWBW) PC Game Review
August 3, 2014 | A game that challenges your own personal humanity level and morals. Sounds good, right? Well, on paper it's a good idea... Let's see what Simon has to say.

OlliOlli PC Game Review
July 27, 2014 | After delighting games on the PS VITA, OlliOlli hits the PC platform. Without a guaranteed thumbstick available, can the developers make it work?

Valiant Hearts: The Great War PC Game Review
July 20, 2014 | World War One is not often explored in video games, but when it is done as well as Valiant Hearts: The Great War, then it is certainly worth the wait.

Shovel Knight 8-bit PC Game Review
July 12, 2014 | What began as a Kickstarter has turned out to be a potential classic. Find out why Shovel Knight in its 8-bit glory gets it right in Simon's review.

GRID Autosport PC Game Review
July 7, 2014 | Codemasters returns to its racing roots yet again, with a game that offers multiple racing disciplines, but perhaps they should have focused on just one.

EA Sports UFC Xbox One Game Review
June 29, 2014 | After originally going it alone without the UFC licence, EA comes to the party and releases a UFC affiliated game. Is this the UFC champion? Let's see.

Ubisoft gimping Watch Dogs on PC opened a can of worms for PC Gamers
June 21, 2014 | The Watch Dogs controversy has opened up a massive can of worms, but it can't be the future of PC gaming, can it? Developers deliberately gimping games?

Sony E3 2014 Press Conference Wrap
June 15, 2014 | After a very successful E3 2013, the pressure was on Sony to try and step up to the plate again. Like Microsoft, it was games games and more games.

Microsoft Xbox E3 2014 Press Conference Wrap
June 11, 2014 | We watched the Microsoft press conference and after last year's always-on, Kinect mandatory system and the anger that caused, we anticipated a better one.

Watch Dogs PlayStation 4 Game Review
June 8, 2014 | Ubisoft's massive open world game finally hits after a six month delay. Does Watch_Dogs live up to the hype from E3 two years ago? Well, yes and no.

Wolfenstein: The New Order PlayStation 4 Game Review
May 25, 2014 | We went in with zero expectations and discovered one of the gems of the year. The New Order is a game that next-gen owners should consider as a must play.

MLB 14: The Show PlayStation 4 Game Review
May 18, 2014 | PS4 owners have had to wait a little longer, but its finally time to play ball with one of the most visually impressive baseball games in history.

Luftrausers PS Vita Game Review
May 11, 2014 | A fast paced, extremely difficult arcade style flying game with more depth than its competitors. Vlambeer returns with a cracking handheld game.

Dark Souls 2 PC Game Review
May 4, 2014 | A classic returns for a second go on the PC, only this time it appears that the PC version of Dark Souls 2 just may have become the one to own. Let's see!

Trials Fusion PlayStation 4 Game Review
April 27, 2014 | Trials returns on a new generation of consoles and brings a few friends along for the ride. Hop on board and get ready for a fun, wacky ride!

Football Manager Classic 2014 PlayStation Vita Review
April 20, 2014 | The world's best football management simulation makes it to PS VITA. Perhaps it should have been left on the drawing board. Let's see what Simon thinks.

Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Nintendo 3DS Review
April 13, 2014 | Two of the most popular DS/3DS characters combine and the results are as good as you would think they should be. Let's see what Simon has to say.

Infamous: Second Son PlayStation 4 Review
April 6, 2014 | Infamous makes the jump to the new generation with a brand new character, but it may not be as good as the previous games. Find out why in our review.

Battlefield 4 Naval Strike gets detailed in 55 High-Resolution Images
April 3, 2014 | While more than a week overdue, Battlefield 4's Naval Strike expansion was well worth the wait. Check out the new maps in these high-resolution images.

Yoshi's New Island Nintendo 3DS Review
March 31, 2014 | Simon thinks Yoshi's New Island for the 3DS is one of the most uninspiring and unimaginative games that Nintendo has produced in a long time. Let's see.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Xbox One Review
March 23, 2014 | Metal Gear Solid returns with a prologue to The Phantom Pain. However, you may not want to rush out and buy this one. Let's see what Simon thinks.

Titanfall Xbox One Review
March 22, 2014 | The big hope of early 2014 for the Xbox One finally arrives. Titanfall is good, but perhaps the hype went a little too far. Let's see.

Thief Xbox One Review
March 15, 2014 | The master thief returns on a brand new generation of console. Perhaps though he should have stayed where he was... hidden in the shadows.

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc PlayStation VITA Review
March 9, 2014 | Trigger Happy Havoc is one of the most mature games we have played. It isn't afraid to treat you like an adult, and is all the more better for it.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Nintendo Wii U Review
March 1, 2014 | This game was met with disappointment and derision upon its announcement. However, this is one of the best Wii U games around.

OlliOlli Sony PlayStation Vita Review
February 23, 2014 | Skateboarding games have had a lull recently, but OlliOlli looks to change all that on the PSVITA.

Battlefield 4 Second Assault Maps vs. Battlefield 3 Maps - 116 Glorious Comparison Screenshots
February 20, 2014 | We have 116 direct comparison images detailing the evolution from core Battlefield 3 maps to Battlefield 4 Second Assault maps. Let's take a look!

Titanfall Xbox One Hands-On Preview - Contender for Game of the Year?
February 19, 2014 | Titanfall is Microsoft's biggest hope for the Xbox One in early 2014. Thankfully for them, it's looking like one of 2014's best games.

The Lego Movie: The Video Game PlayStation 4 Review
February 16, 2014 | One of the best films of 2014 also has a video game. Lego games have become a bit stale - can the film give the franchise the lift it needs?

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Xbox One Review
February 9, 2014 | Less than 12 months since its release, an improved and upgraded Tomb Raider hits for new consoles. Has it done enough to make you want to buy it?

Broken Age PC Game Review
February 2, 2014 | Double Fine Adventure arrives in the form of Broken Age. Has Schafer and his team successfully brought back humorous 1990's adventure gaming?

Mario Party: Island Tour Nintendo 3DS Review
January 26, 2014 | Nintendo takes one of its beloved console party games, and shrinks it down for the handheld. Perhaps they shouldn't have though. Let's find out.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Nintendo 3DS Review
January 20, 2014 | Nintendo takes a huge risk by building what amounts to a remake of A Link to the Past, and perhaps it paid off.

Gran Turismo 6 (GT6) PlayStation 3 Review
January 11, 2014 | A new PlayStation game that isn't on the PS4, but is still spectacular to say the least. Gran Turismo 6 lives up to the series history.

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition PlayStation 4 Review
January 5, 2014 | An upgraded version for the PS4 of a fairly solid fighting game. Is it enough to get you back again? Let's see.