
Listing of our Puzzle content from our Gaming category. You can also search by year.

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Lumines: Electronic Symphony PlayStation Vita Review

Lumines: Electronic Symphony PlayStation Vita Review

March 18, 2012 | Lumines returns for its PlayStation Vita debut and it's as addictive as ever.

Super Mario 3D Land Nintendo 3DS Review

Super Mario 3D Land Nintendo 3DS Review

December 4, 2011 | Super Mario goes 3D and shows us all how it's done.

Catherine PlayStation 3 Review

Catherine PlayStation 3 Review

August 14, 2011 | A very strange Japanese game makes it to the west, with interesting results.

Stacking Xbox Live Arcade Review

Stacking Xbox Live Arcade Review

February 20, 2011 | Stacking proves once and for all that size matters.

LittleBigPlanet 2 PlayStation 3 Review

LittleBigPlanet 2 PlayStation 3 Review

January 25, 2011 | LittleBigPlanet2 improves on the original game in many ways. Read our review to find out how.

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 Xbox 360 Review

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 Xbox 360 Review

August 3, 2008 | Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 Xbox 360 Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village DS Review

Professor Layton and the Curious Village DS Review

April 20, 2008 | Professor Layton and the Curious Village DS Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Rez HD XBLA Review

Rez HD XBLA Review

March 2, 2008 | Rez HD XBLA Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Portal PC Review

Portal PC Review

October 24, 2007 | The best addition to The Orange Box could end up being the least likely with this great puzzler.

PaRappa the Rapper PSP Review

PaRappa the Rapper PSP Review

July 29, 2007 | This classic PSX title makes its way to the PSP, and carries over a lot of its charm.

Harvest Time Hop and Fly

Harvest Time Hop and Fly

October 9, 2006 | ...for those with a DS and kids, this game is going to be the perfect fit.

Guitar Hero PS2 Review

Guitar Hero PS2 Review

July 31, 2006 | It's hard to explain in words why the peripheral works so well and why you actually feel like you're the next Dire Straights.

LocoRoco PSP Review

LocoRoco PSP Review

June 8, 2006 | LocoRoco PSP Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

The Eye of Judgment Factsheet (E32006)

The Eye of Judgment Factsheet (E32006)

May 11, 2006 | The Eye of Judgment Factsheet (E32006) - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

SingStar for PS3 Factsheet (E32006)

SingStar for PS3 Factsheet (E32006)

May 11, 2006 | SingStar for PS3 Factsheet (E32006) - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

80 Days PC Review

80 Days PC Review

March 14, 2006 | 80 Days PC Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

GO! Sudoku PSP Review

GO! Sudoku PSP Review

February 24, 2006 | GO! Sudoku PSP Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Buzz!: The Music Quiz PS2 Review

Buzz!: The Music Quiz PS2 Review

November 28, 2005 | Buzz!: The Music Quiz PS2 Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Lumines PSP Review

Lumines PSP Review

August 31, 2005 | Lumines PSP Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Pac-Pix DS Review

Pac-Pix DS Review

July 2, 2005 | Pac-Pix DS Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

The Great Art Race PC Review

The Great Art Race PC Review

April 19, 2005 | The Great Art Race PC Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

CON: RTA PS2 Review

CON: RTA PS2 Review

April 17, 2005 | CON: RTA PS2 Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space Xbox Review

Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space Xbox Review

March 29, 2005 | Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space Xbox Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Zoo Keeper DS Review

Zoo Keeper DS Review

March 29, 2005 | Zoo Keeper DS Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Eyetoy: Play 2 PS2 Review

Eyetoy: Play 2 PS2 Review

November 24, 2004 | Eyetoy: Play 2 PS2 Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Donkey Konga GameCube Review

Donkey Konga GameCube Review

November 10, 2004 | Donkey Konga GameCube Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Myst IV: Revelation Factsheet (E32004)

Myst IV: Revelation Factsheet (E32004)

May 12, 2004 | Myst IV: Revelation Factsheet (E32004) - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Bombastic PS2 Review

Bombastic PS2 Review

March 24, 2004 | Bombastic PS2 Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

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