Gaming for 2007
Our Gaming content sorted from newest to oldest for 2007. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.
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Mass Effect Xbox 360 Review
December 17, 2007 | Mass Effect Xbox 360 Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Sam & Max: Ice Station Santa PC Review
December 16, 2007 | Sam & Max: Ice Station Santa PC Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

F.E.A.R. Files Xbox 360 Review
December 2, 2007 | F.E.A.R. Files Xbox 360 Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Empire Earth III PC Review
November 26, 2007 | Empire Earth III PC Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Crysis PC Review
November 17, 2007 | Crysis PC Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

NBA 2K8 Xbox 360 Review
November 13, 2007 | NBA 2K8 Xbox 360 Review - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

NBA Live 08 Xbox 360 Review
October 30, 2007 | The Live series is back to take on the competition, but title hopes are not on the cards quite yet.

FIFA 08 Xbox 360 Review
October 28, 2007 | EA have finally brought it all together to offer the best FIFA yet.

Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron PSP Review
October 27, 2007 | The much enjoyed Battlefront gameplay makes its way onto the PSP with Renegade Squadron.

Portal PC Review
October 24, 2007 | The best addition to The Orange Box could end up being the least likely with this great puzzler.

SKATE Xbox 360 Review
October 22, 2007 | EA takes a realistic approach to skating with SKATE, but with mixed results.

World in Conflict PC review
October 18, 2007 | Real Time Strategy gaming has rarely been so action packed.

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars PC Review
October 12, 2007 | ET and Quake meet, and the end result is enough to make any FPS MP fan cry with joy.

Race 07: The Official WTCC Game PC Review
October 8, 2007 | SimBin are back with their brand of realistic but accessible PC racing.

Monster Hunter Freedom 2 PSP Review
September 25, 2007 | This hit Japanese adventure series proves its value on the PSP console one more time.

Madden NFL 08 PC Review
September 10, 2007 | Good football gameplay, but the PC needs an update EA!

Blazing Angels 2 planes and weapons
September 1, 2007 | We preview some of the planes and weapons you can expect to see in this action packed WWII air combat release.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma PS3 Review
August 1, 2007 | This original Xbox exclusive translates well to the power of the PS3 console.

PaRappa the Rapper PSP Review
July 29, 2007 | This classic PSX title makes its way to the PSP, and carries over a lot of its charm.

Flatout: Ultimate Carnage Xbox 360 Review
July 17, 2007 | Who ever thought that arcade racing could be this fun?

Colin McRae: DiRT Xbox 360 Review
July 9, 2007 | Quality rally driving has launched its way to the latest platforms, but still has room to improve.

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition PC review
July 3, 2007 | The PC version is here, but struggles to shed its console port tag.

The Darkness Xbox 360 Review
June 27, 2007 | Prepare to be possessed by this brilliantly evil FPS from 2KGames.

Spiderman 3 Xbox 360 Review
May 27, 2007 | Spiderman hits the next gen platforms, but not without its fair share of disappointments.

Test Drive Unlimited PC Review
May 21, 2007 | The PC finally sees TDU after a few months of waiting, although Atari should have perhaps waited a little longer.

Virtua Tennis 3 PS3 Review
May 8, 2007 | Virtua Tennis is back, but does the gameplay translate onto the next gen consoles? Check out our full review.

Jade Empire PC Review
May 6, 2007 | This Xbox original finally makes it way to the PC, but with little in the way of changes.

Out of the Park Baseball 2007 PC Review
April 29, 2007 | Fancy yourself a savvy Baseball manager? Out of the Park Baseball 2007 will put you to the test.

Command and Conquer 3 PC Review
April 22, 2007 | The Command & Conquer series is back, but is it better than ever?

PC gaming and the mainstream
April 15, 2007 | Has PC gaming failed to keep up with the mainstream? We take a look at where the PC is and where it may need to go.

Formula One Championship Edition PS3 Review
April 1, 2007 | Sony and Studio Liverpool are back with F1 on the PS3, but is it better than ever? Full review inside!

Burnout Dominator PS2 Review
March 24, 2007 | Find out inside our review if the latest old generation hardware based Burnout is worth a look.

Test Drive Unlimited PS2/PSP Interview
March 19, 2007 | We fire off a few questions to Melbourne House regarding the PS2 and PSP release of TDU.

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Xbox 360 Review
March 18, 2007 | The GRAW series is back but has it managed to add on to the original enough for the full price tag?

Geometry Wars PC Review
March 9, 2007 | The once 360 exclusive comes to the PC, but it remains a Vista exclusive.

Theatre of War hands on PC preview
March 5, 2007 | We go hands on with the latest beta build of ToW and give our impressions so far.

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened PC Review
March 5, 2007 | Sherlock Holmes takes on dark supernatural forces in "The Awakened". Check out our review inside.

Sam & Max Episode 4: Abe Lincoln Must Die PC Review
March 3, 2007 | Sam & Max are back in their forth episode, this time with the US government to save!

Hotel Dusk: Room 215 DS Review
February 27, 2007 | This adventure title works surprisingly well on the DS, but not without its shortcomings.

God Hand PS2 Review
February 13, 2007 | One of our biggest gripes is the graphics and the fact they honestly could be mistaken for a very early PS2 game.

Crackdown Xbox 360 Review
February 11, 2007 | Crackdown is just simply unbelievably fun to play, and realistically probably only a really good storyline away from being a classic.

Battlestations: Midway Xbox 360 Review
February 10, 2007 | The battles focus on the pacific war but begin in Pearl Harbour and this really is Pearl Harbour done right.

SEGA MegaDrive Collection PS2 Review
February 3, 2007 | The game's feel so much like the Mega Drive that sometimes we forgot we were actually using a Dual Shock controller...

Crackdown Xbox 360 Preview
February 1, 2007 | As mentioned before the graphics of the game are looking incredible. The draw distance allows you to see right out to the horizon with no pop up whatsoever.

WarioWare: Smooth Moves Wii Review
January 30, 2007 | This is the game that is going to make you look incredibly stupid, but you will have one of the best gaming experiences ever while doing so.

Battlestations: Midway Xbox 360 Preview
January 22, 2007 | Battlestations: Midway gives you an unprecedented amount of control over your units and, the thing is, it actually works.

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Xbox 360 Review
January 20, 2007 | While Wii and PS3 fans wait for the next big thing, Xbox 360 fans have a very solid shooter.

Sam and Max Situation: Comedy PC Review
January 16, 2007 | Telltale really is doing a fantastic job showing Lucasarts what they should have done a long long time ago, not in a galaxy far away.

Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception PSP Review
January 14, 2007 | The gameplay itself is very repetitive from mission to mission but that is to be expected with a flight simulator.

Ridge Racer 2 PSP Review
January 9, 2007 | Namco has not done enough to justify a sequel, especially at the higher price.