Gaming for 2010
Our Gaming content sorted from newest to oldest for 2010. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.
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Donkey Kong Country Returns Wii Review
December 19, 2010 | A classic returns to the motion controlled Wii. Does it make the jump well?

NBA Jam Xbox 360 Review
December 5, 2010 | It was 1993 when we first tasted NBA Jam. Can the 2010 version Boom-shaka-laka into our hearts and set them on fire?

Gran Turismo 5 PlayStation 3 Review
November 30, 2010 | We answer the question that everyone wants to know. Was Gran Turismo 5 worth the wait?

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Xbox 360 Review
November 29, 2010 | With just twelve months between games, can Ubisoft continue its winning ways with Ezio?

EA Sports Active 2 Xbox 360 Kinect Review
November 27, 2010 | After playing EA Sports Active 2 I will never complain about a game being hard ever again!

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Xbox 360 Review
November 25, 2010 | Cops return to the series that started it all. Has Criterion rescued this franchise?

Microsoft Kinect - Fun for just One or Everyone?
November 23, 2010 | I've never jumped, hopped and skipped so much in my life. I saw the pearly gates, but live to tell you about Kinect.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Xbox 360 Review
November 16, 2010 | The Call of Duty franchise brings us another title to the series. Are we going to welcome it with open arms?

James Bond 007: Blood Stone Xbox 360 Review
November 13, 2010 | With no Bond movie, Activision has been forced to come up with its own story. Find out if it lives up to the Bond name.

GoldenEye 007 Wii Review
November 11, 2010 | Many people look at the N64 classic and think it's the best Bond game ever. Can this re-imagining of live up to the history?

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Xbox 360 Review
November 7, 2010 | Having been relegated to the second tier, can Pro Evolution make it back to the Premier League?

DJ Hero 2 Xbox 360 Review
October 24, 2010 | The DJ Hero franchise is back with a whopping new 85 tracks. Where the first game had a few obvious shortcomings, let's see if updates in the right areas make DJ'ing as a video game a ball.

Civilization V PC Review
October 17, 2010 | The grand daddy of all turn based games returns. Is it a youthful return, or getting a bit stale?

F1 2010 PlayStation 3 Review
October 3, 2010 | Rev those engines up. The Formula 1 circus is in town on PlayStation 3. Find out what we think of this petrol burning monster.

Halo: Reach Xbox 360 Review
September 19, 2010 | Can Bungie succeed where others have failed and give their formidable series a fitting send off?

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days PlayStation 3 Review
August 28, 2010 | The hapless duo are back and have done what they do best; get themselves into trouble. Is it only dog days for them, or us gamers, too?

Madden NFL 2011 PlayStation 3 Review
August 22, 2010 | Find out why this years Madden is the best yet for the next gen consoles.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii Review
June 26, 2010 | One of, if not the greatest Mario game of all time!

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggles Wii Review
June 20, 2010 | One of the weirdest games released for a while, but also one of the best Wii games around.

Sony Playstation Move, Plus, 3D and Nintendo 3DS at E3 2010
June 16, 2010 | Kinect for Xbox 360 shows huge promise, but it still has some stiff competition to deal with into the next generation of gaming. We touch base on Sony's new Move and Nintendo's big 3D gaming ticket; 3DS.

Microsoft's Kinect for Xbox 360 - The Future of Gaming is Here
June 15, 2010 | Microsoft has had a golden egg waiting to be hatched for the gaming masses. Formerly known as Project Natal, Kinect for Xbox 360 made its debut at E3 this week and it truly is something to get excited about.

Alpha Protocol Xbox 360 Review
June 6, 2010 | Elements of Mass Effect 2 plus Bond style espionage. Sounds like a good mix, but can it truly deliver?

Alan Wake Xbox 360 Review
May 30, 2010 | Not afraid of the dark? You will be after playing Alan Wake.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction Xbox 360 Review
May 23, 2010 | Sam Fisher returns and he is mad. Find out what makes Sam's latest a triumphant return to the series.

God of War 3 PlayStation 3 Review
April 18, 2010 | Kratos returns in one of the most visually stunning video games you will ever play.

Just Cause 2 Xbox 360 Review
April 9, 2010 | Avalanche takes the open world genre by the scruff of its neck and gives it a real good shake up.

Yakuza 3 PlayStation 3 Review
March 28, 2010 | SEGA brings Yakuza 3 to the west and unearths a potential gem of a game.

Bioshock 2 PC Review
March 21, 2010 | Become a Big Daddy in the impressive sequel to one of the most unique shooters in recent memory.

Heavy Rain PlayStation 3 Review
March 13, 2010 | Sony and Quantic Dream ask how far you would go to save someone you love. It turns out, quite far!

Bioshock 2 Xbox 360 Review
February 15, 2010 | 2K wants to take us to Rapture again with a few changes. We dive under the sea to see if this sequel was worth the effort.

Dark Void Xbox 360 review
January 28, 2010 | Dark Void relies on Jetpacks for the excitement factor. Is it enough to keep interest?

Vancouver 2010 Xbox 360 Review
January 25, 2010 | It's said to be better than Beijing 2008, but will we see greatness of Olympic proportions?