NVIDIA slapped with class action lawsuit over crypto crash

Anthony Garreffa | Business, Financial & Legal | Jan 1, 2019 2:11 AM CST

It was both 2017 and 2018 that were massive rides for the entire cryptocurrency market reaching both new highs and dangerous lows, creating ripples in other industries like the graphics card market where NVIDIA, AMD and soon Intel reside.

NVIDIA slapped with class action lawsuit over crypto crash

Well, NVIDIA in the midst of all of this has been slapped with a bunch of class action lawsuits over statements made over the last 18 months. When cryptocurrency pricing and the mining market was in a very strong position, NVIDIA had statements that the company were "masters at managing" the cryptocurrency market and that it was prepared for any instability in the market and that both gamers and investors alike, didn't need to be worried.

Yeah and then an oversupplied market, and juicin' second hand card market and no competition from AMD, NVIDIA stock then tumbled 50% recently and is still dropping. It hasn't been a good couple of months since the launch of the GeForce RTX series of graphics cards, and now some have lawyered up and hit NVIDIA with some class action lawsuits.

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Project CARS 3: spiritual successor to Need for Speed Shift

Anthony Garreffa | Gaming | Jan 1, 2019 1:27 AM CST

Project CARS 3 is in development right now, following the success of Project CARS 2 in September 2017 with developer Slightly Mad Studios teasing that Project CARS 3 will be a "spiritual successor" to Need for Speed Shift.

Project CARS 3: spiritual successor to Need for Speed Shift

Need for Speed Shift came out in 2009 and was developed by Slightly Mad Studios alongside EA, and then went to work on the Project CARS series on their own with publisher Bandai Namco. SMS seems to be fanning the faint flames of hype for Project CARS 3 with studio boss Ian Bell telling GTPlanet: "We've learned a lesson here and although we have no intention of reducing content, we know what we need to fix, where we made design decisions that were, let's call it, 'sub-optimal'. pCARS3 will be more of a spiritual successor to Shift, but with all of the sim goodness everyone appreciates".

This is the first news for Project CARS 3 that I've seen, and I'm sure we will see it announced and detailed this year with a possible re lease this year, or in 2020. I can see a next-gen game like this with constantly improved graphics on the PC being a huge release on next-gen consoles in 2020 like the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Scarlett consoles due in 2020 and beyond.

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Halo: Infinite is built on hope

Derek Strickland | Gaming | Dec 31, 2018 7:22 PM CST

343 Industries ignites the beacon of hope by looking back at the magic of previous Halo games.

Halo: Infinite is built on hope

Halo is and always has been a story of hope. The series was always built around the hope for survival against an indomitable foe from the stars, a merciless alien force that burns galaxies and reaps souls like a space-faring tide of death. The games chronicle a brutal, bloody war where humanity is on the brink of extinction and forced to fight up against a wall. Even amid these impossible odds one thing gave humankind hope: the Spartans. Born to kill and inspire, these warriors served as a breakwater against a bloody tide, and the games took players along for a fiery crusade of chaos as John-117. Now with its next big Halo: Infinite game (aka Halo 6), 343i wants to bring back that old feeling of hope and triumph.

I've long thought Halo was dead. Halo 5 was a weird and jarring experience that just didn't feel like Halo, didn't bring back those old themes and feelings. But 343i's Dan Chosich has made me believe in Halo again, and it's all thanks to a recent Halo 6 Mixer stream. In the stream the dev discusses the main principles behind Halo: Infinite's premiere trailer, which include hope and connecting to Halo's old-school legacy. Infinite's premiere trailer was inspired largely in part from Halo: Combat Evolved and other themes found in previous games, making it a callback that longtime fans can answer.

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Grapeshot promises to fix Atlas

Derek Strickland | Gaming | Dec 30, 2018 7:26 PM CST

Humbled by tons of issues and instability, Grapeshot Games affirms that Atlas is far from finished.

Grapeshot promises to fix Atlas

In a recent Steam update post, the devs behind the hotly contested Sea of Thieves competitor Atlas promise the game will be continually tweaked over time. It's no secret that Atlas is badly optimized on PC, and the devs acknowledge the game's dearth of connectivity, stability, and functionality issues. But like any service game (especially one that's in early access), Atlas will continually evolve over time with tons of updates, patches, and new content aimed at fixing and buffering the storm-battered ship.

"We're going to continue to iterate at a very rapid rate, you can generally expect daily deployments and updates to both servers and clients, and sometimes even multiple if we feel like a change is significant enough to warrant it," the devs said in the post.

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Remedy's latest Control game gets creepy new trailer

Derek Strickland | Gaming | Dec 30, 2018 5:26 PM CST

Remedy Entertainment's new game Control brings even more bizarre X-Files meets Twilight Zone vibes with a fresh trailer.

Remedy's latest Control game gets creepy new trailer

There's a lot to like about Remedy's new IP Control. First off, it's set in a strange haunted house that's the nexus of countless inter-dimensional gateways, and channels major pop-culture sci-horror like Twin Peaks, Outer Limits, X-Files, Twilight Zone, and even some Matrix-style world-bending manipulation.

Secondly, even though it's primarily a third-person action-based game with genuinely chaotic-looking combat, it's steeped in otherworldly weirdness that's often intriguing as well as creepy and macabre. We have freaky environments with strange dimensional growths that're frozen in time and strange multi-armed abyssal horrors roaming around like a modern-day Lovecraft novel.

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Soulja Boy no longer selling game consoles

Derek Strickland | Gaming | Dec 30, 2018 2:09 PM CST

Soulja Boy is no longer selling its array of gaming hardware after possible cease and desist letters from popular games-makers.

Soulja Boy no longer selling game consoles

Earlier this month Soulja Boy announced a new fleet of "SouljaGame" hardware--a handheld, a mid-tier system, and an enthusiast-style console called Fuze--to a bewildered gaming community. It was quickly found out the rapper was just re-selling cheap emulator systems imported from overseas at higher prices, and worse, said hardware came pre-loaded with ROMs (the Soulja Game console came with 800 classic titles). Confronted with the thinly-veiled ruse and warned about copyright infringement, Soulja Boy taunted companies like Nintendo: "Nintendo ain't gonna do SH*T."

Obviously the rapper doesn't know Nintendo very well. The company is fiercely protective over its IP and recently waged war on emulators and ROMs by taking two site owners to court (who lost, of course). Now Soulja Boy is no longer selling the systems, and they've been removed from his SouljaTech and SouljaWatch shops.

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Reddit's former CEO says internet traffic metrics are FAKE

Anthony Garreffa | Internet & Websites | Dec 29, 2018 4:25 AM CST

We are living in a simulation just like Elon Musk thinks we are, and once Neo breaks us out of our minds we'll be truly free, right? Well, everything is fake according to Reddit's former CEO, and that's going to take some getting used to.

Reddit's former CEO says internet traffic metrics are FAKE

A few days ago New York Magazine published a piece that said most of the internet traffic metrics are complete and utter BS, with some of the largest companies in the industry fluffing numbers and publishers and others doing the same. This is when Ellen Pao, the former CEO of Reddit started tweeting, where she said: "It's all true: Everything is fake. No one has figured out how to count logged-out mobile users, as I learned at reddit. Every time someone switches cell towers, it looks like another user and inflates company user metrics".

The article is real and not some hit piece on a particular company, but it is explosive. Pao had her interest piqued when Aram Zucker-Schariff of The Washington Post tweeted out the article. The writer of the piece 'How Much of the Internet Is Fake? Turns Out, a Lot of It, Actually' is Max Read, who had some interesting things to say (to say the least) in the article.

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Check out more of Metro Exodus in gorgeous new screenshots

Anthony Garreffa | Gaming | Dec 29, 2018 12:29 AM CST

Metro Exodus will be one of the best-looking games when its released early next year, with developer 4A Games and publisher Deep Silver getting into the holiday spirit with some new screenshots that provide us with a closer look at some enemies and NPCs.

Check out more of Metro Exodus in gorgeous new screenshots

There are three different characters include heavy weapons specialist Stephan, medic Kazakhstani, and former US embassy guard Sam. You can see them in the above, and below screenshots. The detail on these characters is pretty damn high, but whether we'll see that quality in-game is another question. The assets do look incredible however, and now I want to see them running with RTX features on NVIDIA's new GeForce RTX 2080 Ti.

The other screenshots from Metro Exodus include a new spider that looks like its from my nightmares (and I live in Australia, so I'm used to big spiders) as well as a huge mutated bear who looks like he's ready to not just destroy you and the building behind you.

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Gran Turismo teased with real-time ray tracing... is it PS5?

Anthony Garreffa | Gaming | Dec 28, 2018 11:09 PM CST

It was barely 24 hours ago that I wrote up a story about Sony's next-gen PlayStation 5 console and the teased 8K 120FPS display shown off, but now we have a tease that the PS5 will be capable of real-time ray tracing just like NVIDIA's new GeForce RTX family of graphics cards.

Gran Turismo teased with real-time ray tracing... is it PS5?

Fast forward to 7:20 or so for the real-time ray tracing part of the video.

Gran Turismo developer Polyphony Digital had a technology demo it showed off during SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 a couple of days ago, where it had cars and assets built for Gran Turismo, done with real-time ray tracing. The demo is definitely impressive, like previous things we've seen running on the new $1199 graphics card in the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti in games like Battlefield V.

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From Software working on two unannounced projects

Derek Strickland | Gaming | Dec 28, 2018 7:38 PM CST

Outside of the Souls-meets-Tenchu Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and its mysterious VR title Deracine, From Software is working on multiple new games.

From Software working on two unannounced projects

From Software has at least two unannounced projects in development, company president Hidetaka Miyazaki told Japanese site 4Gamer. We already know one of these games is a new entry in the Armored Core franchise that the studio confirmed in 2017, but since it hasn't been formally announced yet it still counts.

"While it isn't the time to discuss details, they're both [From Software]-esque games," Miyazaki said, as translated by Gematsu. "We'll need a little more time, but we'll be able to tell everyone more about them once they take shape."

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