Super Talent has very tiny 8GB USB drive

Waterproof too!

32 seconds read time
Super Talent has just announced its newest range of ultra tiny USB pen drives which happen to also offer the smallest design coming in sizes ranging from 1GB to 8GB.

The Pico Series of pen drives are incredibly small and feature up to 30 MB/s (200X) transfer speeds and measures just 1.50"x0.50" and weigh next-door to nothing at 4 - 6 grams.

There are three drives in the Pico Series including PICO-A, PICO-B and PICO-C. Each look fairly familiar however each vary in size slightly one swivels and is water proof, one is rugged and water proof and one is simply retractable.

It's amazing how much data storage can be squeezed into such a small space, just be sure not to leave the thing behind as it's so small. You can read more here at the Super Talent website.

Cameron founded TweakTown® in 1999 after it originally started off as his personal homepage. Cameron was once, many years ago, the only person producing content, but nowadays, he spends his time ensuring the company and website operates at its best in his managing director position.

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