Assassin's Creed: Odyssey has lots of new features and tweaks, but one of the most satisfying has you flexing your mighty heroic calves.
I love it when games add over-the-top abilities that are as fun to use the first time as the 500th time. The latest ancient Greek-themed Assassin's Creed achieves this with its Spartan kick, which channels the machismo ridiculousness of the movie 300 and sends enemies into ragdolls while making you feel like a badass every single time you do it. And I mean every single time.
I probably use this ability more than any other (well besides Second Wind for obvious reasons) because it's so fun. It has a hugely practical use too: not only will it interrupt an enemy's power attack, but you can launch a poor hapless soul off the edge of a mountain and watch them fall like Wile E. Coyote. I've done this countless times and it just never ever gets old. Spartan kick is a gift that keeps on giving. It's been a weapon in my arsenal for survival right from the beginning, and has helped me fell foes two or sometimes even three levels higher than me. I've gotten into lots of shenanigans with mercenaries that've been quelled thanks to my proud Spartan legs.
Our Assassin's Creed: Odyssey review is still in the making, but for now I wanted to show off one of the more amusing and amazingly useful moves it has to offer. Below you can find a few snaps of our Spartan kicks in action (I've tried to take more but they're actually kind of hard to capture).
Leonidas would be oh-so-proud of the Eagle Bearer's thunderous thighs.
For more interesting tips and tricks be sure to check out our Assassin's Creed: Odyssey mini-guide.