Americans are "occasionally" or "frequently" worried about having their credit card data stolen by hackers and having their PC or smartphone hacked more than any other crimes, according to a recent Gallup poll. A whopping 69 percent of poll respondents are worried about store data breaches leading to personal information being stolen, while 62 percent are worried about PC or smartphone security - significantly ahead of the 45 percent of people worried about their home being burglarized while away.
Consumers with salaries $75,000 or above are most concerned about potential debit and credit theft, as they spend more and are more likely to have multiple credit cards.
The high-profile data breaches of Target, Home Depot, and other major retailers helped finally wake up more Americans about the potential of data breaches. However, consumers and business users are still vulnerable to phishing and malware attacks, which haven't received the same amount of media attention.