Alright, this is kinda cool to see from Pizza Hut Canada: introducing the PIZZAWARMR, a new 3D-printed download for your PlayStation 5 console that sits ON TOP of the console and keeps your pizza warm using the heat generated from the PS5. You can grab your own PIZZAWARMR here.
Pizza Hut Canada announced its new PIZZAWARMR that will fit on your PS5 and take "several slices" of pizza, with some inspiration pulled from Pizza Hut's iconic red roof.
Pizza Hut Canada explains its new PIZZAWARMR: "Upgrade your console with the hottest pizza warming technology. Using the warmth from your gaming system to keep your slices warm while you play. Pulling inspiration from Pizza Hut's red roof, the lid seamlessly opens like a laptop for easy pizza access".
They continue: "Designed to snugly affix to the top of your gaming console, with a tray that fits several slices. It won't go anywhere, and you won't have to either to grab warm pizza while you play. Channeling warmth from the gaming console's warm air pipe straight to your pizza slices. Science and engineering for the greater good - great pizza".
- Read more: PS5 Dev Kit sold as 'PizzaStation 5 Development Kit' which sold for $6500, includes spatula
What's funny is that there was a story from a few months ago (in the link above) about the "PizzaStation 5 Development Kit" that was sold for $6500 (don't worry, it included a spatula at least). It was a PS5 Dev Kit, but sold under the "PizzaStation" to get through the issue of trying to sell a development console (they're given to developers to work on with their games, not to be sold).
Fast forward to today, and the PlayStation 5 gets a PIZZAWARMR upgrade from Pizza Hut Canada... now I want to test it out!