Ask the Experts - Page 36

My SSD is hanging on system start-up on my ASUS P8P67 motherboard, should I disable Intel Rapid Start technology?

Question by Rolando from Paraguay | Answered by Anthony Garreffa | Motherboards | Aug 30, 2012 11:52 PM CDT

Hello, I have a p67 pc, corei7 2600k, 8g of ram, asus p8p67 mb, gf 570gtx gpu, 850 psu, I just bought a Vertex 4 ssd as my windows drive, the problem that Im having is that the drive hangs when the system stars, I've read that it has do to with the Intel Rapid Storage technology that has my pc, so how do I disable this?

Should I go for a Sandy Bridge- or Ivy Bridge-based Core i7 processor?

Question by Andrea from Canada | Answered by Anthony Garreffa | CPUs, Chipsets & SoCs | Aug 9, 2012 2:16 AM CDT

So I am building my first PC, and I was planning on going for the i7 2600k, but with the new ivy bridge, a lot of my friends who have already built their PCs had advised me to go for the i7 3770k. I understand Ivy Bridge is updated and supposed to be better, yet I am also aware of the heat problems, especially when OCing (I don't plan on OCing so far, probably no higher than 4.0). So, if I have an aftermarket HSF, the Noctua NH-D14 specifically, will I still be experiencing heat problems? Should I just go for the Sandy Bridge?

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