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Project Cars 2 is rumored to already be in development

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 25, 2015 12:54 AM CDT

Project Cars has been delayed a few times now, but it will be released on May 8 for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC, with news floating out already that Slightly Mad Studios is already working on a sequel to the driving game. We already know that Project Cars will be one of the best looking games on the market, with support for virtual reality headsets, and up to triple 4K monitor setups.

The news is coming from Slightly Mad Studios' boss, Ian Bell, where he referred to Project Cars as a 'Destiny-like' experience. He took to the World of Mass Development forums, where he said: "A very short update for now as I'm jet-lagged to hell and back but the good news is that we will be continuing the WMD setup for pCARS2. We will open new forum sections when the game (pCARS1) ships to support the new users and you WMD experts will all have access and we'd greatly appreciate your assistance advising new users".

Bell continued: "I'll be implementing a new non-profit return form of WMD for pCARS2 (to avoid the FSA hassle) and will set a purchase time limit of 2-3 months for those who want to take part. Following this, involvement will be closed. The tiers won't have the higher cost options that we currently have (probably capped at 100 pounds with excellent benefits) and those who want to approach me personally to invest in the new game can do so providing it's at or above 50k.

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First 'Mad Max' PS4 gameplay footage released

Ben Gourlay | Apr 23, 2015 6:39 PM CDT

In just a few short weeks, the much anticipated sequel to 'Mad Max'; 'Fury Road' will hit screens worldwide, with a flurry of pre-release trailers commanding much attention. Strangely, the long in production video game from Avalanche Studios has been much quieter. But now Warner Bros. Games has released the first trailer of in-game footage, and it looks highly encouraging - especially for a license tie-in.

Officially announced at E3 2013, the 'Mad Max' game was originally announced for Windows, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One before being delayed when the theatrical release of 'Fury Road' was announced last year, but now, the previous generation console versions have been abandoned.

Bizarrely, despite the long gestation, the game still won't make the May theatrical release date, but will instead drop in September when the Blu-ray and DVD version of the film is released.

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Wrestling is coming to the PC - WWE 2K15

Chris Smith | Apr 23, 2015 3:21 AM CDT

Browsing the Whirlpool forums we came across a post by user GeoffBRO! exclaiming that WWE will finally be coming to the PC platform in the next few days.

Bundled on Steam with 10% off and a free DLC, the game opens in approximately five days time and will set you back $49.49.

Sporting multiple language options, it also has to be said that this is one new game the you certainly don't need a beastly PC for - recommending users invest in an NVIDIA GTX 570 and Intel Core i5-3550 @ 3.30 GHz to ensure smooth game play. For most PC enthusiasts this should be no issue as these kind of specifications were common for many in 2011.

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Microsoft uses 60FPS footage of The Witcher 3 on PC as Xbox One promo

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 22, 2015 8:19 PM CDT

In something that isn't too surprising, but is a dirty trick: Microsoft has used footage from the PC version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt running at 60FPS to advertise the Xbox One version of the game, which runs at just 30FPS.

The new footage is called "Precious Cargo" and is another step in the marketing for The Witcher 3 before its May 19 release on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. But, with the PC version of the game the only version capable of 60FPS, with developer CD Projekt Red stating that both the Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game locked at 30FPS, this is some tricky marketing from Microsoft.

Microsoft are advertising it on the official Xbox channel of YouTube, with a single line that explains it's running on the PC version of the game: "In game footage provided by CD Projekt Red, captured on a PC". As you can see from the screenshot above, the video is even being pushed at 1080p and 60FPS, which the Xbox One is clearly not capable of with The Witcher 3.

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Alien: Isolation developer announces Total War: Warhammer

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 22, 2015 10:10 AM CDT

Creative Assembly, the studio who released one of the most atmospheric games ever made last year in Alien: Isolation, has announced Total War: Warhammer. Total War: Warhammer is the third Total War game that the studio is working on right now, while they've just released Total War: Attila in February of this year.

The studio celebrated the news with a new cinematic trailer, which we've embedded above. The trailer teases that we can expect magic, monsters and flying beats, while providing players with turn-based campaign strategy and real-time tactical battles and letting you choose between various Warhammer factions.

With three Total War games in development right now, the announcement of Total War: Warhammer also includes the news of two additional standalone expansion packs. Announcing a third Total War game, and DLC at the same time, has allowed the studio to brag that all of this will "create the single largest Total War experience ever".

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Batman: Arkham Knight and Witcher 3 to receive post-release DX12 patch

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 22, 2015 9:46 AM CDT

With Microsoft reportedly releasing Windows 10 in July, according to AMD at least, what will be some of the first games to be upgraded with DX12 support?

Batman: Arkham Knight and Witcher 3 to receive post-release DX12 patch

MSI has revealed that The Witcher 3 and Batman: Arkham Knight will be some of the first games to receive DX12 support, something CD Projekt Red and Rocksteady Studios will provide through patches made available after they release their respective games. The news was revealed by MSI, and has been found on various forums like NeoGAF. Right now it's rumor territory, but with Batman: Arkham Knight and The Witcher 3 being two of the hottest games this year, it wouldn't be surprising.

The motherboard and VGA company said: "The most exciting part of Windows 10 for gamers is the introduction of DirectX 12. You are likely to start seeing the benefits of the new graphics technology already in The Witcher 3, Batman: Arkham Knight and more games released later this year. Some CPU-bound games like MMO's are able get a performance bump of up to 50% according to Microsoft".

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Rockstar mapping the entire United States for Grand Theft Auto 6

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 21, 2015 9:24 PM CDT

We were one of the first to break the news of Rockstar Games teasing the development of Grand Theft Auto 6, and here we are again. It looks like Rockstar is reportedly mapping the entire of the United States for its next GTA game, something that will push the release of GTA 6 to 2020. If this is true, it'll make benchmarking the game bigger and badder than ever.

The latest report has Rockstar mapping the whole US for GTA 6, and while this might be a rumor, it's not too far out of reality. Ubisoft did something similar with The Crew, which took the entire United States and shoved it into a smaller map which took around 1.5 hours to drive across.

The bigger issues of having the entire US mapped for GTA 6 would be playing in it, with the report stating: "Loading the entirety of the USA would have its issues. I mean, driving from one city to another could be a real chore, especially if it's just filled with country side and nothing much to do in between".

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Star Wars: Battlefront won't use Battlelog, has offline singleplayer

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 19, 2015 2:52 AM CDT

We've been finding out a bunch of details on Star Wars: Battlefront lately, where we know it will run at 60FPS on both the Xbox One and PS4, it'll be released on November 17, and it has some very beautiful visuals.

Now we know that DICE will not be forcing Battlelog onto anyone with Battlefront, but we're also going to see solo, and offline "Missions" which will feature bots. Niklas Fegraeus from DICE confirmed the news through Twitter where he said: "We have a feature called Missions that allow you to play solo or cooperatively with bots on or offline".

The bigger news here is that Battlelog won't be used, which is what's required to play Battlefield 4 and Battlefield: Hardline. You need to login through your web browser, with the launch happening from the browser for both single and multiplayer. Assistant Producer on Star Wars: Battlefront, Jesper Nielsen, has said that Battlefront won't require Battlelog, and that Star Wars: Battlefront system to launch the game is "built from scratch" and that there will be "no browser game launching".

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Rockstar fixes login problems with the first patch for GTA V

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 19, 2015 1:16 AM CDT

Rockstar Games is right on top of the issues with Grand Theft Auto V on the PC, with the latest version 1.01 patch fixing some of the issues that people were having with the game. We've benchmarked the game at 1080p, 1440p and 4K too - so if you want to check out the performance on the game, check out our benchmarks.

The biggest issue that was fixed was the login issue, with version 1.01 fixing the problem that users were having from their Windows usernames. If your username featured characters other than alphanumeric (the letters A-Z, and numbers 0-9) then the game wouldn't launch properly. The studio offered a workaround last week, which had users needing to create a new administrator account on Windows, which isn't how you should deal with a problem when you've dropped $80 for a game.

Other issues have been fixed, such as the high CPU usage and potential crashes the game would have. The list is extensive, which you can check out below.

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Star Wars: Battlefront confirmed to run at 60FPS on both Xbox One, PS4

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 18, 2015 4:05 AM CDT

Star Wars: Battlefront is shaping up to be one of the best-looking games of the year, with the unveiling of the gameplay trailer yesterday, the Star Wars community has been super excited.

We've now found out that Battlefront will be running at 60FPS on both the Xbox One and PS4 thanks to DICE Producer Craig McLeod. He said: "We're making sure, first and foremost, to ensure it runs at 60 frames per second on everything because that's what delivers the best gameplay experience". McLeod continued: "When you couple the talent that we have in the office with the technology and new generation of consoles has allowed us to achieve, that's how you can get these environments that you're seeing which simply wasn't possible before".

The gameplay trailer that the studio released was running at 1080p with 8x MSAA enabled and a very high level of adaptive tessellation has lead to gamers looking at one of the best graphics in a game yet. With a 60FPS target, we should expect no level of MSAA to be used, or at the maximum possibly 2x MSAA on the consoles, and whatever your VGA card is capable of on the PC.

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