Thecus has launched a new home product with the N3200 NAS with RAID 5 support. This is the first product in the 3x00-series from Thecus and it's Thecus first high-end model for home users. It can house up to three hard drives and you'll need three drives to take advantage of the RAID 5 capabilities. The N3200 measures 160 x 170 x 215mm (WxHxD) and it has a completely tool less design. You can fit up to 3TB of storage in it and the hard drives are easily installed and removed.
The N3200 also has a front mounted LCD display that show status information and allows for some system management operations. It also has USB ports and the N3200 can be given a wireless upgrade this way via a USB dongle. Oddly enough the press release didn't mention the speed of the Ethernet interface on the N3200.
Other home features include iTunes server, a browser based photo server and a DLNA compatible media server for video streaming to DLNA compatible video players. You can also attach a web camera to one of the USB ports and use it a surveillance camera without the need of a PC and with the video recorded directly to the N3200.
Finally the N3200 has an expansion slot and this is the first time we've heard about such a feature on a NAS. Thecus didn't say what it was for apart from mentioning that they will be offering expansion cards for in the future to further enhance the N3200's functionality. No availability date or pricing was announced in the press release, but hopefully we won't have to wait too long.
At the time of writing, the N3200 wasn't on Thecus website, but you can have a look here in case they've updated their site.
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