Battlefield 6 reveal likely before EA's Q4 report on May 11

Battlefield 6's anticipated announcement trailer could be revealed sometime before EA's Q4 results go live on May 11, 2021.

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EA just announced its Q4 FY2021 earnings results will go live on May 11, 2021, and its likely the Battlefield 6 reveal trailer will go live ahead of time.

Battlefield 6 reveal likely before EA's Q4 report on May 11 35

EA should reveal the next Battlefield game in the coming weeks. The publisher recently promised the rumored futuristic Battlefield would be revealed during Spring 2021, and the company has a trend of showcasing new Battlefield titles ahead of its Q4 earnings reports in order to wow gamers and investors. EA likes to comment on these big new games and tease new features to gamers while making new promises to stakeholders.

Read Also: Battlefield 6 last-gen reports clarified by leaker

Battlefield 4 was revealed on March 27, ahead of its Q4 earnings report in May 2013. In that call, EA talked about Battlefield 4, saying:

"In March, our DICE Studio debuted Battlefield 4 with a stunning 17-minute demo entitled Fishing in Baku. Critics were blown away by the advanced physics and graphics and fans demonstrated their support. Pre-orders are going extremely well. Join us at E3 for a deeper look at the title that will define the next generation of gaming, Battlefield 4."

Battlefield 1 was also revealed on May 6, 2016, four days before EA's Q4 2016 results went live on May 10:

"With Battlefield 1, we've set out to deliver the biggest and most innovative Battlefield game ever, with a deep story and unprecedented variety in the gameplay powered by our Frostbite engine."

However, Battlefield V was revealed on May 23, which was after EA's Q4 2018 results on May 8.

Here's info we've collected based off of recent Battlefield rumors:

Here's what EA has said about Battlefield 6 so far:

EA CEO Andrew Wilson, October 2019

"DICE is targeting new innovation that will be enabled by next-gen platforms and a growing install base on the new consoles."

"Battlefield is known for being the cutting edge, bleeding edge in digital fidelity and gameplay and multiplayer, and launching into next-gen platforms was going to offer tremendous possibilities of innovation. Launching battlefield in FY2022 is a strong move for us, it offers us stronger room for growth."

EA CFO Blake Jorgensen, January 2020

"We expect live services to continue to drive growth in Fiscal 2021 and for growth to accelerate in Fiscal 2022, led by a new Battlefield."

"You should assume the power of those consoles is much more than existing consoles. We can do a lot more. You will start to see things over the next couple of years that will blow people's minds."

"The power will be substantially greater than existing consoles, and it'll be exciting to see how new games will evolve using that power. The team at DICE will do some really amazing things."

EA CEO Andrew Wilson, January 2020

"New consoles are coming and we'll be ready to lead with some of our top titles. We have really strong traction on the next Battlefield game and I'm really excited about it."

EA CEO Andrew Wilson, February 2021

"We're looking forward to sharing a lot more about our FY22 plans in the months ahead, including our next Battlefield experience, which will mark a return to all-out military warfare. The game takes full advantage of the power of next-generation platforms to bring massive, immersive battles to life with more players than ever before."

"Featuring maps with unprecedented scale, the next edition of Battlefield takes all the destruction, player agency, vehicle and weapon combat that the franchise is known for and elevates it to another level. The team is focused and the game is ahead of our internal milestones. We'll reveal the game in the spring, and deliver a defining Battlefield experience for our players in the 2021 holiday season."

EA CFO Blake Jorgensen, February 2021

"I can tell you now that the Battlefield team is doing an incredible job. They're way ahead of where they were in prior product cycles, on track for their earliest feature complete in franchise history."

EA's Laura Miele, March 2021

"It's a love letter to our fans. We want it to be great. We're going to put all the resources we have on this."

EA's Q4 FY2021 report will go live May 11, 2021 at 5PM EST. We should get a lot more info on Battlefield 6 alongside a possible confirmation of Apex Legends' $1 billion revenue breakout.

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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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