Next-gen Xbox Scarlett specs: 12TFLOPs, 16GB RAM, 3.5GHz Zen 2 CPU

Microsoft's next-gen Xbox may deliver 12TFLOPs of power with sizable RAM, a proprietary SSD, and a scaled-down Zen 2 CPU.

6 minutes & 50 seconds read time

New specs for Project Scarlett's next-gen console duo surface, reinforcing recent leaks and rumors.

Next-gen Xbox Scarlett specs: 12TFLOPs, 16GB RAM, 3.5GHz Zen 2 CPU 1

Project Scarlett isn't just one console. It's a duo that includes two systems: Anaconda, the true next-gen beast of a console with beefier hardware, and Lockhart, a digital-only cheaper system with dialed-down specs. Now sources revealed new Anaconda and Lockhart specs to WindowsCentral, and they're pretty much what we expected.

Anaconda's Navi GPU will have 12TFLOPs of power, roughly twice as much as the Xbox One X, aimed at native 4K 60FPS playback in all games. This hefty boost will also bring huge gains in 1440p and 1080p with up to 120FPS. The console will have a huge 16GB GDDR6 unified memory pool, of which 13GB of RAM will be available for games and 3GB is reserved for OS memory, a nice 44% jump in allocated game memory compared to the Xbox One X.

Next-gen Xbox Scarlett specs: 12TFLOPs, 16GB RAM, 3.5GHz Zen 2 CPU 4

As we reported a while back, Anaconda will sport an 8-core, 16-thread Zen 2 CPU built on the 7nm node.

The console's customized SoC is based on AMD's Flute solution, which has the CPU clocked at a lower 3.5GHz to reduce power draw and keep thermals down. Developers say the new Zen 2 CPU is the most important addition to the consoles, and will offer serious performance gains in tandem with the new SSD solutions.

Lockhart, the lower-end and cheaper Project Scarlett console, will see a massive reduction in GPU power to 4TFLOPs, sitting just below the Xbox One X. Although it's expected to have the same 8-Core 3.5GHz Zen 2 CPU as Anaconda, it'll have lower per-core performance.

Reports say Lockhart has significantly less RAM than Anaconda, which is something Windows Central didn't exactly specify. We're not sure if Lockhart has 16GB of GDDR6 RAM or not, but it's not likely, especially if it features the same 3.5GHz Zen 2 CPU.

Lockhart currently targets 1440p 60FPS gaming and will be a budget-friendly option to Anaconda. It may also possibly replace the Xbox One X thanks to the new platform-specific dev tools that synergize hardware on an OS and software level.

As far as features like raytracing go, developers will have to use new APIs in the Xbox SDK platform to optimize their games with new physical and lighting effects. Expect a lot of original Xbox One games to play even better on Project Scarlett systems, but the new amazing visual and gameplay features will be exclusive to next-gen systems.

All of this info is from anonymous sources, but it could be accurate and pretty much lines up with everything we've heard about Project Scarlett's console duo so far.

Project Scarlett is due out by Holiday 2020. No pricing has been announced.

Check below for confirmed specs and details, and a huge content listing of everything we've heard about Project Scarlett so far:


  • 1440p 60FPS
  • No disc drive
  • Super-fast SSD that can be used as VRAM
  • 7nm AMD SoC w/ scaled-down 8-core, 16 thread Zen 2 CPU@3.5GHZ and Navi GPU
  • Lower GDDR6 memory pool (Possibly 12GB)
  • 4 TFLOPs of power?
  • Aims to rival PS4 Pro/Replace Xbox One S
  • Full backward compatibility with all Xbox One games
  • Cheaper MSRP

Anaconda/Project Scarlett

  • 4K 60FPS
  • Disc drive with 4K UHD playback
  • Super-fast SSD that can be used as VRAM
  • Full 7nm AMD SoC with 8-core, 16 thread Zen 2 CPU@3.5GHz and Navi GPU
  • 16GB GDDR6 memory
  • Over 12 TFLOPs of power
  • 4x as powerful as Xbox One X/aims to replace Xbox One X
  • Full backward compatibility with all Xbox One games
  • More expensive MSRP

Project Scarlett confirmed details:

  • 8-core, 16-thread Zen 2 CPU
  • Navi GPU
  • Highly customized 7nm SoC from AMD
  • GDDR6 memory
  • 4x as powerful as the Xbox One X's 6TFLOPs of perf
  • Can deliver up to 40x more performance than Xbox One in specific use cases
  • Adaptive sync supported
  • Super-fast SSD that can be used as VRAM
  • Supports 8K resolution (likely media playback)
  • 120FPS gaming
  • Variable refresh rate
  • Raytracing confirmed with dedicated raytracing cores
  • Backward compatible with Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox One games
  • Compatible with Xbox One accessories

Project Scarlett coverage:

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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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