Final Fantasy VII Remake is the win Square Enix needs

After four years, Square Enix is ready to blow the lid off of Final Fantasy VII Remake. Could a 2019 launch be imminent?

2 minutes & 40 seconds read time

Final Fantasy VII: Remake is exactly what Square Enix needs to rise from its earnings slump.

Square Enix isn't doing too well right now. Its nine month earnings are down 65% year-over-year and profit has dropped by a similar amount. The famed RPG publisher needs a big win, and luckily it has an ace up its sleeve: Final Fantasy VII: Remake. Square Enix dropped a surprise trailer yesterday that showed off slick action-based combat and breathed new life into some of our favorite gaming icons. But more importantly, it stoked the fires of hype that've been flickering for the past four years.

This is important. After Kingdom Hearts III the publisher needs more huge projects for gamers to look forward to that aren't too far down the pipeline. Fans waited a long, long time for Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV. Fans have been waiting for the Remake, too, but it may not be that far away. Square Enix's recent restructuring may have accelerated development of big games like the FFVII: Remake. The Japanese games-maker recently consolidated its original 11 dev teams and combined them into a more streamlined mix of 4 teams.

After four years of work and hype-building since the game's original E3 2015 reveal, we might see Final Fantasy VII's first chapter release in 2019. This would be astronomically huge for the publisher.


Remember the game is episodic and spread out across three chapters, so it won't launch all at once like the 1997 original. Instead Square Enix will launch the game in multiple parts across staggered release timings, and Tetsuya Nomura strongly hints the games will bridge current- and next-gen systems.

At it's core, Final Fantasy VII: Remake will be an action-based game and discards the turn-based RPG mechanics found in its forebear. Instead the game will be more like Final Fantasy XV's active combat, and looks to be built on the same potent Luminous Engine that powered FFXV. The combat system has yet to be fully locked into place (the new footage shows mechanical changes from the 2015 trailer) and Square Enix warns the trailer isn't representative of the final version.

Square Enix plans to go big at E3 2019 with the Remake, just as we predicted, and should showcase a ton of new content, footage, and details. This kind of info blowout usually means a game will launch soon. But then again Square Enix is known for taking its sweet, sweet time in making big marquee games.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is the win Square Enix needs |
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Final Fantasy VII: Remake - PlayStation 4

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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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