An announcement has surfaced from SEGA regarding their upcoming title Team Sonic Racing, according to the announcement the racer will have to unfortunately be delayed.
Team Sonic Racing is being developed by Sumo Digital and according to the statement, the delay is in regards to more development time, which is needed to smooth over the edges of Team Sonic Racing before its release. Here is how the announcement read: "Team Sonic Racing is the ultimate blend of arcade and fast-paced competitive style racing, featuring your favorite characters and environments from across the Sonic Universe. To deliver the highest quality experience to fans, SEGA has decided to delay the launch of the title."
SEGA has said throughout the statement that they want to concentrate on bringing players the best gameplay experience as possible, even if that means they have to delay the game by a considerable amount of time. The statement continued: "During this additional time, SEGA and Sumo Digital will continue to hone the title to enhance the player experience to ensure Team Sonic Racing delivers the best gameplay experience possible. We understand that many fans were looking forward to a Winter release and apologize for any inconvenience caused."
Lastly, the statement finished with a new release date for the game, "We're confident that with this additional time our teams will ensure delivering an unforgettable experience that fans can enjoy for years to come. Team Sonic Racing is now set to be released on May 21, 2019."