Apple retains smartphone sales lead, Android dominates software

The iPhone topped all competitors in the smartphone market, but Google Android leads the way.

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The Apple iPhone controlled 41 percent of the market and retained the top spot for hardware sales, but the Google Android operating system is No. 1 with 51.7 percent through January 2014, according to analytics specialist comScore.

Apple retains smartphone sales lead, Android dominates software |

Samsung has 26.7 percent of the smartphone market, and remaining competition drastically falls off, with LG, Motorola, and HTC all controlling less than 7 percent each, respectively. It's going to be difficult for Samsung to catch Apple, but the Korean electronics maker can continue to claw its way to the top, percent-by-percent.

The Facebook, Google Play, YouTube, Google Search, and Pandora Radio apps have the top target audience reach, according to comScore.

The smartphone market is a fierce marketplace for OEMs and software developers - iOS and Android clearly lead the way - though there is room for app developers to carve out space for themselves.


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