The 16GB variant of the Moto G sold out in less than 60 minutes on Flipkart, an Indian e-commerce company. The 8GB version is still in stock, for now, but with the Moto G selling like cupcakes on Flipkart, I wouldn't expect it to stay there for long.
Motorola launched the Moto G in India last week, in partnership with Flipkart. Motorola announced that the Moto G would go on sale on February 6, at 12am, but the e-commerce company began selling the 8GB version before the clock reached midnight. When it opened sales of the 16GB version, it sold out within an hour. It sold out before some people could even reach the checkout.
It sold out quick because of the low amount of Moto G smartphones imported, with a reported 14,800 units of the 8GB version, and just 5,000 units of the 16GB version were imported into the country. Stock should be back by now, but it goes to show that a great smartphone at an even better price can break into emerging markets quick.
This could be one of the many reasons Lenovo purchased Motorola Mobility from Google recently, at $2.9 billion. The emerging market space is going to be big business in the coming decade.