Battlefield 4 is a day closer to being played on our PCs or consoles, and now there's a new post on the official Battlefield 4 website that details the second-screen application for BF4, Battlelog.
Battlelog will allow gamers to use a PC, smartphone or tablet for maps, leaderboards and much, much more. The service for BF4 will allow gamers to track how many of their friends are online, and just how many active missions are accessible. Gamers will be able to create emblems, which will be displayed on soldiers and guns in the multiplayer portion of Battlefield 4.
When gamers are away from their PCs or consoles, Battlelog on their smartphones for example can let them view status, access forums and leaderboards, customize their loadout and more. Battlelog is also capable of giving players the chance of remotely joining new servers quickly. The update on the BF4 website says:
Usually, you'd have to exit the game you're currently in and then search for your next server in the menus. Now you can pull up the list of servers on Battlelog, find the one you want to play on and press 'Join.' It'll pull you right into that server. It's extremely fast and fluid and a whole new way to find games on both console and PC.