The CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment has officially given an update on what's happening at PlayStation Studios, and within it is the confirmation of Concord's fate.

Concord is one of the biggest video game flops of all time and has been identified as Sony's biggest flop ever. Reports indicated that the title cost as much as $400 million to develop, but upon release, it only generated a few million. Concord didn't even reach a critical mass to sustain players, resulting in Sony pulling the game down from public access and refunding any buyers of the title. Since then Concord has remained in somewhat Limbo, as Sony considers what to do with its multi-million investment.
Firewalk Studios, the developer behind Concord, also went quiet while Sony deliberated on its decision: spend more money implementing free-to-play infrastructure into Concord or cut its losses and abandon the tile completely. It appears Sony has selected the latter, as Hermen Hulst, the CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, explained in a new blog post the decision has been made to "permanently sunset the game."
Additionally, Sony has decided to close Firewalk Studios, which probably surprised absolutely no one, considering how much money was lost on the development of Concord.
"After much thought, we have determined the best path forward is to permanently sunset the game and close the studio. I want to thank all of Firewalk for their craftsmanship, creative spirit and dedication," wrote Hulst
"The PvP first person shooter genre is a competitive space that's continuously evolving, and unfortunately, we did not hit our targets with this title. We will take the lessons learned from Concord and continue to advance our live service capabilities to deliver future growth in this area," added Hulst