Heavenly Sword Factsheet (E32006)

Heavenly Sword Factsheet (E32006) - Page 1 from TweakTown's online gaming review, article and guide content pages.

Developer / Publisher: NA
1 minute & 15 seconds read time

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
Developer: Ninja Theory Ltd
Genre: Action-Adventure
Players: Single-player


Emotionallycharged, stunningly beautiful and delivering unprecedented dramaticcharacter performance, Heavenly Sword showcases the power ofPLAYSTATION3. A dramatic tale of revenge sees Nariko, a fieryred-haired heroine embark on a quest for vengeance against an invadingKing and his army. The story builds around the ancient Heavenly Swordwhich once belonged to a powerful deity. It can never be wielded by amortal without it draining their life-force, killing them within hours.

Whenthe invading King (played by Andy Serkis) destroys the warrior clanthat guards the Heavenly Sword, the clan leader's daughter, Nariko,takes up the sword in a desperate fight for survival. Nariko must nowpay the ultimate price as she embarks on one last mission of vengeanceagainst the King and his army before her life is finally drawn to aclose...

Andy Serkis, the world's leading CG actor, famous for hisroles as Gollum in "The Lord of the Rings" and Kong in "King Kong", washeavily involved in the creative process. As well as starring inHeavenly Sword as the villain, King Botan, Andy was a major contributorto the character development, writing, casting, directing andperformance capture for the PLAYSTATION 3 game.

Heavenly Sword features a deep, diverse combat experience made possible by PLAYSTATION 3.


•The Heavenly Sword itself can Transform into Three Distinct Stances -Players can switch between on the fly allowing players to create theirown fighting styles.
• The Combat Engine can Scale Up - Fromsophisticated one-on-one encounters to one-on-many, where enemiesemploy intelligent squad-based dynamics, right up to combat againstbattalions pushing real-time gameplay and AI to unprecedented newlevels.
• Physics-based Combat - Players can sweep debris againstopponents, kick tables to halt an oncoming surge of fighters, smash theenemy into the scenery or throw bodies into other enemies usingaftertouch controls.
 Wide Range of Objects and Weaponry - Including multi-skewering spears and devastatingly explosive bazookas.
Creative in-game Cinematography - Coupled with real-time storyevolvement and amazing set-pieces makes the action feel like ablockbuster action movie and takes combat gameplay to new heights.

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