Editorials for 2016
Listing of our Editorials content from our Gaming category for 2016.
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Will last-gen game support hold iterative consoles back?
November 27, 2016 | Iterative consoles bring a host of benefits, but also some drawbacks: could last-gen backward compatibility be holding PS4 Pro and Xbox One S back?

Upgrade Test: GTX 760 vs. GTX 1060 on SSD vs. HDD system
October 31, 2016 | HDD versus SSD: Dawn of Storage, in the middle of the massive GeForce GTX 760 versus GTX 1060 battle. Who wins?!

Logitech's Return to Gaming Leadership
October 6, 2016 | We discuss Logitech's rise in the gaming peripherals market, what has helped them, and what we could expect from them in the future.

Overwatch Eichenwalde Map Preview
August 27, 2016 | We get an early look at Overwatch's next map (Eichenwalde) and offer up a little strategy in the process.

New iterative cycle may trigger console gaming collapse
August 18, 2016 | Console gaming's new iterative console cycle has advantages, but it also has some hefty drawbacks, which could trigger a console gaming collapse.

Open letter to Microsoft: how to save the Halo TV series
August 5, 2016 | Here's what Microsoft should do to make the Halo TV series amazing.

Overwatch Ana Amari Hero Preview - A look at the new Character
July 16, 2016 | We take Overwatch's first added hero Ana Amari for an early spin to see what she's all about. Come and join us for all the details on the new character.

Battlefield 1 at EA Play - Likes and Dislikes
June 17, 2016 | Here's what we liked and disliked about Battlefield 1 as shown at EA Play.

What Battlefield 1 Needs to Get Right
May 16, 2016 | An evaluation of the Battlefield series' recent mistakes and which it needs to avoid for Battlefield 1.

WTF is wrong with multi-GPU support in games these days?!
April 4, 2016 | Come see me rage on about multi-GPU in today's gaming... or should I say, lack of multi-GPU in today's gaming.

Microsoft's plan to take over gaming might actually work
April 4, 2016 | Suddenly Tim Sweeney's warnings seem right on the money. Microsoft could actually take over gaming.

NVIDIA unveils GameWorks SDK 3.1, offering new technologies and more
March 16, 2016 | NVIDIA continues its expansion of GameWorks, with the new SDK 3.1 release at GDC 2016. Here's all the details you need to know.