Editorials for 2016

Listing of our Editorials content from our Gaming category for 2016.

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Will last-gen game support hold iterative consoles back?

Will last-gen game support hold iterative consoles back?

November 27, 2016 | Iterative consoles bring a host of benefits, but also some drawbacks: could last-gen backward compatibility be holding PS4 Pro and Xbox One S back?

Upgrade Test: GTX 760 vs. GTX 1060 on SSD vs. HDD system

Upgrade Test: GTX 760 vs. GTX 1060 on SSD vs. HDD system

October 31, 2016 | HDD versus SSD: Dawn of Storage, in the middle of the massive GeForce GTX 760 versus GTX 1060 battle. Who wins?!

Logitech's Return to Gaming Leadership

Logitech's Return to Gaming Leadership

October 6, 2016 | We discuss Logitech's rise in the gaming peripherals market, what has helped them, and what we could expect from them in the future.

Overwatch Eichenwalde Map Preview

Overwatch Eichenwalde Map Preview

August 27, 2016 | We get an early look at Overwatch's next map (Eichenwalde) and offer up a little strategy in the process.

New iterative cycle may trigger console gaming collapse

New iterative cycle may trigger console gaming collapse

August 18, 2016 | Console gaming's new iterative console cycle has advantages, but it also has some hefty drawbacks, which could trigger a console gaming collapse.

Open letter to Microsoft: how to save the Halo TV series

Open letter to Microsoft: how to save the Halo TV series

August 5, 2016 | Here's what Microsoft should do to make the Halo TV series amazing.

Overwatch Ana Amari Hero Preview - A look at the new Character

Overwatch Ana Amari Hero Preview - A look at the new Character

July 16, 2016 | We take Overwatch's first added hero Ana Amari for an early spin to see what she's all about. Come and join us for all the details on the new character.

Battlefield 1 at EA Play - Likes and Dislikes

Battlefield 1 at EA Play - Likes and Dislikes

June 17, 2016 | Here's what we liked and disliked about Battlefield 1 as shown at EA Play.

What Battlefield 1 Needs to Get Right

What Battlefield 1 Needs to Get Right

May 16, 2016 | An evaluation of the Battlefield series' recent mistakes and which it needs to avoid for Battlefield 1.

WTF is wrong with multi-GPU support in games these days?!

WTF is wrong with multi-GPU support in games these days?!

April 4, 2016 | Come see me rage on about multi-GPU in today's gaming... or should I say, lack of multi-GPU in today's gaming.

Microsoft's plan to take over gaming might actually work

Microsoft's plan to take over gaming might actually work

April 4, 2016 | Suddenly Tim Sweeney's warnings seem right on the money. Microsoft could actually take over gaming.

NVIDIA unveils GameWorks SDK 3.1, offering new technologies and more

NVIDIA unveils GameWorks SDK 3.1, offering new technologies and more

March 16, 2016 | NVIDIA continues its expansion of GameWorks, with the new SDK 3.1 release at GDC 2016. Here's all the details you need to know.

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