Further Explore The First In Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Patch 5.05

SYDNEY, 31st July 2019 - Today's release of Patch 5.05 in FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers brings new challenges and exciting content for players to continue their adventures in the First. This latest update introduces the savage difficulty of the recently released Eden's Gate raid, as well as a new dungeon to explore, and more crafting recipes and items for players to create and discover.

Further Explore The First In Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Patch 5.05 | TweakTown.com

Patch 5.05 includes the following new content and updates:

  • High-Level Raid: Eden's Gate (Savage) - Players seeking a greater challenge can take on this series of high-difficulty boss encounters.
  • Treasure Hunt Dungeon: "Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah" - Up to eight players can join together and explore this new instanced dungeon for the chance to obtain rare and unique rewards.
  • New Tomestone: Phantasmagoria - This new currency obtained by completing specific content can be used to purchase all-new gear for Disciples of War and Magic.
  • New Crafting Recipes - Includes updates to Free Company Crafting and Subaquatic Voyages content.
  • Battle Action Adjustments - A number of balance adjustments have been made for various jobs.
  • New Housing Furnishings, Items, Mounts, Minions and more.

Additionally, the annual Moonfire Faire seasonal event will return on 7th August, bringing summer excitement for players to enjoy. By completing event quests, players will be able to receive a variety of rewards. Full details on the upcoming event will be revealed soon.

The complete Patch 5.05 notes can be found here.

The FINAL FANTASY XIV Online free trial invites new players to access content up to level 35, create up to eight playable characters, and experience the different playable races, classes, and jobs with no restrictions on playtime. New players who wish to experience the free trial may register here.

Players may also purchase the Tales of Adventure: Stormblood to advance through the Stormblood main scenario questline through Patch 4.56, A Requiem for Heroes. Tales of Adventure are also available for per job (excluding Gunbreaker, Dancer, and limited jobs), instantly boosting a single character's level to 70 in the specified job. Tales of Adventure items can be purchased here.

Related Links

SQUARE ENIX Press Site: https://www.square-enix-press.com/

Shadowbringers Teaser Site: http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/shadowbringers/

The Lodestone: http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com

Official Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/FinalFantasyXIV

Official Twitter: @FF_XIV_EN

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