HCT Winter Championship starts this Thursday

Monday, February 25, 2019 - The HCT Winter Championship kicks off this Thursday, February 28, when 16 of the world's best Hearthstone players-representing the Americas, Asia-Pacific, China, and Europe-face off at Blizzard Arena Los Angeles. Competitors will be hoping to clinch one of the four remaining spots at the HCT World Championship this April, in addition to the lion's share of a $250,000 USD prize pool and the title of HCT Winter Champion.

HCT Winter Championship starts this Thursday | TweakTown.com

Battling it out for Europe are Raphael "BunnyHoppor" Peltzer and Torben "Viper" Wahl from Germany, Oldrich "Faeli" Mahdal from the Czech Republic, and Fatih "ThunderUP" Akduman from Turkey.

Esports fans can tune in and follow along live at Twitch.tv/playhearthstone, starting at 17:30 CET. For all the details, including a full player list and the casting talent, check out our HCT Winter Championship blog.

Choose Your Champion:

Hearthstone gamers can once again choose a champion and earn card packs during the HCT Winter Championship! Participants will receive one Rastakhan's Rumble card pack just for choosing a champion, and one additional pack each time their champion advances - to the quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals.

Head over to the Choose Your Champion voting page for all the details.

Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 at 10:22 pm CST

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