Intel's Nehalem microarchitecture derived CPUs, kicking off with the eagerly anticipated Bloomfield SKUs, have been given a new identity, or so this article from Expreview, would have us believe.
The all important branding which, it is claimed, will forge the way for Intel's latest and greatest, will be Core i7. Core 2 is, so yesterday, after all.
The significance of the i7 part of the alleged moniker, is generating significant interest at the moment, however we have no firm indications of its relevance at the time of going to press. The logos themselves, see Intel aiming to put an affluent, swish appeal on Nehalem, with the $999 Core i7 Extreme Edition CPU requiring, at least, the first.
The article goes on to express belief that Intel Core i7 and Intel Core i7 Extreme CPUs will be announced on August 11th, with the first SKUs hitting shores in Q4.
We will, as always, bring you more information as it becomes available.
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