AMD CPU hype train: '4.95GHz is bottom of the barrel Zen4 silicon'

AMD's next-gen Ryzen 7000 series CPUs are close, leaker teases 'little do they know 4.95GHz is bottom of the barrel Zen4 silicon'.

2 minutes & 28 seconds read time

AMD's next-gen Zen 4 hype train is really choo-choo-chooing right now, after teases from AMD of 5.5GHz+ on an upcoming Zen 4 processor, and now with leaker "Kepler_L2" teasing that 4.95GHz is "bottom of the barren Zen4 silicon".

AMD CPU hype train: '4.95GHz is bottom of the barrel Zen4 silicon' 05

In a new tweet, he referenced that the "Userbenchmark meltdown continues! Now they are calling the 7600X ES a 'golden sample'. Little do they know 4.95GHz is bottom of the barrel Zen4 silicon". He was referencing a post on Userbenchmark, which stated: "literally within minutes of this golden sample appearing on Userbenchmark, AMD's marketing machinery was actively promoting Zen 4 whilst simultaneously slandering Userbenchmark via hundreds of "news" outlets and thousands of Twitter, Reddit, forum and YouTube accounts".

"If AMD were actually about to release a class leading CPU (or GPU) they would have no incentive to take this approach. As it stands, buying new AMD products is similar to buying used cars. It's difficult for consumers to make rational choices while AMD completely dominate "news" and social media channels".

"Ten years ago, when AMD were outside underdogs, extreme marketing was understandable. Today, with a capitalization of $150 billion USD, it's an insult to their own users. If these marketing practices continue, Ryzen may quickly end up in the same state as Radeon. The combined market share for all of AMD's Radeon RX 5000 and 6000 GPUs (June '22 Steam stats) is just 2% whilst NVIDIA's RTX 2060 alone accounts for 5%. Of course, if Zen 4 actually delivers anywhere near a 57% single core uplift, we will bow down, call AMD king, and commit seppuku!"

We shouldn't have much longer to wait, as AMD's next-gen Zen 4-based Ryzen 7000 series CPUs are only a couple of months away from being in our hands.

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Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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