Intel XeSS launches on May 20, while GPUs are still MANY months away

Action RPG 'Dolmen' will support Intel XeSS super-resoltuion technology when it launches... on May 20... without a GPU. LOL.

2 minutes & 32 seconds read time

Update: More disappointment, as Koch Media PR reached out to clarify that "Intel XeSS support won't actually be available until some time in the Summer". An Intel representative also alerted my eyes to this story, so there's also Intel weight behind it, too.

Intel doesn't have their Arc Alchemist GPU on the market, with multiple delays and drama going on behind the scenes... but don't worry: Intel XeSS upscaling technology will launch in a week, on May 20.

Intel XeSS launches on May 20, while GPUs are still MANY months away 01

The new Intel XeSS upscaling technology will officially launch alongside action RPG "Dolmen" that most people won't play, and will support all three super-sampling technologies: AMD FSR (1.0), NVIDIA DLSS, and Intel XeSS. There will be a day one update for Dolmen that provides it with Intel XeSS support, making it the first game in history to support Intel XeSS.

AMD just introduced its latest FSR 2.0 technology, and while it isn't supported by a heap of games yet, it will over time just like NVIDIA DLSS. Intel will be using one unified API for game developers to use, with multiple acceleration techniques being used.

Intel XeSS can get boosted by XMX cores which are available on Intel GPUs (when they, if they eventually launch) or through DP4a instruction -- supported by a larger ecosystem of GPUs including AMD and NVIDIA. Intel adds that XMX + DP4a instruction support is required, which pushes out GPU architectures like NVIDIA Maxwell. It's confusing for now, but it'll sort itself out in the future.

In an interview with Wccftech, Kiev Martins, Producer on Dolmen at Massive Work Studio explained:

Will XeSS support be available at launch?

I think I can tell you that everything, including the partnership with Intel, will be released in the Day One patch.

Does Dolmen support any other upscaling technologies, such as AMD's FSR and NVIDIA's DLSS?

Yes. The technologies you mentioned are in and will be working with the game.

Okay, that's nice. Are you planning to upgrade AMD FSR to the 2.0 version?

Dolmen will ship with FSR 1.0, but we have the intention to upgrade to 2.0, yes.

As for Dolmen, the game launches on May 20 on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S consoles and the PC for $39.99.

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Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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