Update: A Telegram representative reached out to me, to clarify: "Only a handful of users are affected. These affected users are mostly seeing a slowdown and some notification issues. Our distributed service means that Telegram can remain stable globally even when there are issues in some regions".
Telegram is joining in on the party in the dark, hanging out with fellow outage members in Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp.
DownDetector tweeted out that there are many users experiencing issues with Telegram, with plenty of people tweeting in with issues using Telegram. I'm using it here on the desktop on Windows and it's fine, and my phone is fine for now, but I did have issues about an hour ago (at the time of writing).
Facebook is down for far larger issues, with some stories linked below including that Facebook and all of its services -- Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp -- are all dead. The Wall Street Journal had a Facebook whistleblower just days ago, who revealed her identity today -- Facebook stock tanked, and then Facebook went down. Now Telegram... what next?
- Read more: Over 1.5 billion Facebook users' private info sold on hacker forum
- Read more: TikTok also down in major outage: joins Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp
- Read more: Facebook stock tanks hours BEFORE it went offline, whistleblower talks
- Read more: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp are all down in huge worldwide outage
There are users reporting that SMS and cell phone services are affected in multiple countries, here in Australia I'm having no issues with Optus, but if you're having issues please do comment below or let me know on Twitter.