Rainbow Six Siege is doubling up on anti-cheating in the latest patch

Ubisoft has updated Rainbow Six Siege to help deal with the more unsavory types that fill the games lobbies, helping to stymie cheating.

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The newest update to Rainbow Six Siege is getting serious about cheating, which is surprisingly common in the nearly newly released tactical FPS.

Rainbow Six Siege is doubling up on anti-cheating in the latest patch | TweakTown.com

The game is entering the pro's, and as such it needed a stronger foundation to help better prevent cheating, exploitation of maps (and glitches) and even rampant examples of spawn-killing. So now there's a "report" button that lets you tell Ubisoft when you think someone is doing something untoward, who will review data and make a call on what to do.

They've also introduced a kill-cam, which not helps you make sure that your death was actually somewhat legitimate. Quite a bit of time has been spent ensuring that the netcode and networking backend work well enough that lag shouldn't even be the reason for funny kills. But, of course, they've added quite a bit more to the patch as well.

It used to be that you'd find a skill difference between players that was up to 9%, but they've tweaked the matchmaking algorithm to try to keep players within a 2-4% skill difference. So you're teammates won't be holding you back quite so much. In addition to all of the competitive fixes, there are some under the hood gameplay bug fixes that should make dying so frequently more palpable, with much better hit registration.

NEWS SOURCE:forums.ubi.com

Jeff grew up in the Pacific Northwest where he fell in love with gaming and building his own PC’s. He's a huge fan of any genre of gaming from RTS to FPS, but especially favors space-sims. Now he's stepped into the adult world by becoming a professional student looking to break into the IT Security world. When he’s not deep in his studies, he’s deep in a new game, revisiting an old game, or testing the extreme limits of his own PC. He's now a news contributor for TweakTown, looking to bring a unique view on technology and gaming.

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