Enter the Jungle in our latest Disney Blu-ray competition!

Win a copy of The Jungle Book on Blu-ray by entering our competition!

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Thanks to Walt Disney Pictures Australia, we have been granted two copies of this week's release of The Jungle Book on Blu-ray to give away to two lucky readers.

Enter the Jungle in our latest Disney Blu-ray competition! 1

The timeless Disney classic has been temporarily released from the Disney vault ready to enchant a new generation of families with a state of the art video restoration, 7.1 DTS-HD audio and a suite of extra features.

Enter the Jungle in our latest Disney Blu-ray competition! 2

To go into the running, correctly answer the following question:

Name the author of the 1894 book which inspired this adaptation

Send your answers to ben@tweaktown.com along with your address before the competition closes on Monday the 7th of October. The competition is open to the world, with TweakTown covering shipping.

The Jungle Book is available on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital from Walt Disney Pictures for a strictly limited time.

Ben joined the TweakTown team in 2008 and has since reviewed 100s of movies. Ben is based in Australia and has covered entertainment news and reviews since 2002. A student of film, Ben brings a wide understanding of the medium to the latest happenings in entertainment circles and the latest blockbuster theatrical reviews.

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