Foxtel on Xbox 360 will not be unmetered
Foxtel on Xbox service to not be free data to users.
To put things in perspective, an hour of standard-definition streaming content is rumoured to use around 800MB of data - while the average television viewing is around 21 hours per week, equating to 16.5GB of data per week.
iiNet communications manager Anthony Fisk said while users are free to use the Foxtel service - it won't be unmetered.
"They can use that if they wish, but there are a lot of problems with the Xbox service, and Foxtel can't guarantee service quality," Fisk said.
"My understanding is that no ISPs have made a deal to provide Foxtel unmetered," he added.
But - my opinion is - there are tonnes of huge plans out there, between $60 and $100 a month can give you 500 - 1000GB a month in data - so it's not an issue for most people.