MSI to launch Yukon based laptop

Striking gold in the Yukon.

38 seconds read time
We have heard tell that MSI will likely (paper) launch its brand new MS-1241 tomorrow based on AMD's Yukon platform.

The little lappie is a lightweight, low-cost 690E which MSI hopes will be something of a challenger to HP's Dv2. Not that it's particularly hard to challenge the DV2 in this writer's opinion.

MSI to launch Yukon based laptop

The MS-1241 will likely use a 15w AMD Yukon U210 processor somewhere around the 1.5Ghz mark with the RS-690E chipset.

MSI has something of a track record of introducing AMD notebooks that are initially buggy and then get better over time (generally with more QA). This was certainly the case with Puma and the previous generation, although we hope that's not the case here since the Yukon platform is already somewhat challenged and over priced.

Still, AMD tells us there are more than 20 new 2nd gen ultrathin platforms coming to market next quarter, so even if Yukon melts away, there's plenty to look forward to.
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