IT/Datacenter & Super Computing for 2012

Our IT/Datacenter & Super Computing content sorted from newest to oldest for 2012. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.

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SMART Optimus 400GB Enterprise SSD Review

SMART Optimus 400GB Enterprise SSD Review

December 13, 2012 | The SMART Optimus heralds the beginning of a new era for the datacenter, the inclusion of MLC NAND SSDs into roles typically only served via SLC high-endurance SSDs. Providing SLC-like endurance from MLC NAND sounds like a magic trick or marketing hype at its finest.

LSI Nytro WarpDrive 800GB BLP4-800 PCIe Enterprise SSD Review

LSI Nytro WarpDrive 800GB BLP4-800 PCIe Enterprise SSD Review

November 12, 2012 | LSI's second-generation WarpDrive BLP4-800 SSD offering includes four SandForce processors and eMLC flash for superb enterprise performance and endurance.

Toshiba MK01GRRB/R 2.5-inch 6Gb/s SAS 15,000 RPM Enterprise HDD Review

Toshiba MK01GRRB/R 2.5-inch 6Gb/s SAS 15,000 RPM Enterprise HDD Review

October 4, 2012 | Toshiba's MK1401GRRB comes in a compact 2.5-inch form factor, yet provides tremendous power and capacity at 15,000 RPM. We take a closer look at Toshiba's flagship 2.5-inch enterprise HDD.

TeleCommunication Systems Proteus Plus Military SSD Preview

TeleCommunication Systems Proteus Plus Military SSD Preview

September 28, 2012 | TCS provides SSDs designed specifically for Military, Ruggedized and Industrial environments. We look at what it takes to qualify as a Ruggedized SSD.

Adaptec Series 7 Enterprise RAID Controllers with PCIe 3.0 Preview

Adaptec Series 7 Enterprise RAID Controllers with PCIe 3.0 Preview

September 5, 2012 | Adaptec releases their new Series 7 family of RAID controllers. We take a look at them in this preview.

Micron RealSSD P400E Five Drive JBOD Enterprise Report

Micron RealSSD P400E Five Drive JBOD Enterprise Report

August 15, 2012 | We take five Micron P400E SSDs for a spin. With the value conscious read-centric enterprise storage segment rapidly expanding, Micron brings the P400E forward as the solution for entry-level enterprise-class SSD storage.

LSI 9207-8i Mustang RAID Controller Host Bus Adapter Review

LSI 9207-8i Mustang RAID Controller Host Bus Adapter Review

August 8, 2012 | The rush is on for companies such as LSI to deliver a host of storage components that allow customers to reap the generational benefits that PCIe 3.0 brings.

Intel 910 800GB PCI Express Solid State Drive Enterprise RAID Report

Intel 910 800GB PCI Express Solid State Drive Enterprise RAID Report

July 25, 2012 | We were lucky enough to have two Intel 910 800GB PCI Express SSDs in our lab. We could not resist the temptation to throw them together to explore the performance possible from a dual Intel 910 solution.

Intel 910 800GB and 400GB PCI Express Solid State Drive Review

Intel 910 800GB and 400GB PCI Express Solid State Drive Review

June 26, 2012 | Intel jumps into the server PCIe flash acceleration market and in a big way. With an amazingly low price point compared to competitors, Intel aims to dominate this market segment.

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