IT/Datacenter & Super Computing for 2017

Our IT/Datacenter & Super Computing content sorted from newest to oldest for 2017. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.

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Intel's Optane debut with the DC P4800X 3D XPoint SSD

Intel's Optane debut with the DC P4800X 3D XPoint SSD

March 19, 2017 | Intel introduces its Optane technology with the DC P4800X, the world's first 3D XPoint-based Enterprise/Datacenter (blazing fast) SSD.

Synology FlashStation FS3017 24-Bay All-Flash NAS Review

Synology FlashStation FS3017 24-Bay All-Flash NAS Review

February 14, 2017 | Synology's FlashStation FS3017 24-bay all-flash NAS is easily the fastest network storage device we have tested from Synology. It's insane.

Micron 5100 Series ECO & MAX SATA Enterprise SSD Review

Micron 5100 Series ECO & MAX SATA Enterprise SSD Review

January 30, 2017 | Micron's 5100 series is their first 3D flash-based line of enterprise SSDs. Let's take a close look at the 5100 MAX and 5100 ECO.

Intel DC P3520 2TB Enterprise PCIe NVMe SSD Review

Intel DC P3520 2TB Enterprise PCIe NVMe SSD Review

January 16, 2017 | Intel's first 3D flash-based enterprise SSD, the DC P3520, hits the market. Here's our full review of it.

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