IT/Datacenter & Super Computing for 2010

Our IT/Datacenter & Super Computing content sorted from newest to oldest for 2010. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.

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AVADirect Custom Small Business Server System

AVADirect Custom Small Business Server System

October 11, 2010 | AVADirect is a custom builder best known for their gaming systems, but their server and high performance PCs make up the majority of their builds. Today we take custom to a whole new level.

ASUS Z8NA-D6C (Intel 5500) Motherboard

ASUS Z8NA-D6C (Intel 5500) Motherboard

August 3, 2010 | With so many single socket motherboards floating around, we thought we would try a little dual CPU fun this time around.

ASUS P7F7-E WS SuperComputer (3450 Express) Motherboard

ASUS P7F7-E WS SuperComputer (3450 Express) Motherboard

June 23, 2010 | We take a look at ASUS' new Workstation series board that can support an amazing FOUR NVIDIA Tesla GPUs.

ASUS P7P55 WS SuperComputer (P55 Express) Motherboard

ASUS P7P55 WS SuperComputer (P55 Express) Motherboard

April 29, 2010 | We take a dive into an ASUS Workstation board complete with an 1156 Xeon to see how it holds up under pressure.

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