Guides Content for 2020
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Supermicro C9Z490-PGW Build Guide + Giveaway with Intel's 10900KF
We teamed up with Supermicro to build a mid-range gaming PC based on the Intel Z490-powered C9Z490-PGW, and we're giving it away! | Nov 3, 2020 1:51 AM CST
Supermicro SuperO Intel Z490 10th Gen Motherboard Overclocking Guide
In this guide, we run you through overclocking Intel's 10th Gen Core processors on Supermicro's SuperO Z490 motherboard platform. | Jul 22, 2020 9:15 AM CDT
GIGABYTE AMD X570 Aorus Motherboard VRM Guide
We delve into GIGABYTE's range of AMD X570-based Aorus motherboards and take a close look at the VRM configurations. | Feb 25, 2020 12:51 PM CST